Etiquette Of Communicating With A Blind Person

Etiquette Of Communicating With A Blind Person
Etiquette Of Communicating With A Blind Person

The main thing to remember when communicating with a blind person is that there is only one difference between you, which is expressed in a physical disability. A blind person is no longer different from a normally seeing person. But other sense organs in blind people are much better developed. Therefore, you can communicate with blind people in exactly the same way as with ordinary people.

Etiquette of communicating with a blind person
Etiquette of communicating with a blind person

You can talk with them on any topic and in a usual tone. The word "see" can be said, as blind people use it very often. And you don't need to make a surprised face if you see a blind person calmly dialing a phone number, lighting a cigarette, dressing or doing other ordinary things. You just have to understand that in order to learn such ordinary things, a blind person had to spend a little more time than others.

If you find yourself with a blind person at an intersection, ask if he needs help. You do not need to take a person by the arm on your own and, without asking him, try to help him. If a person accepts your help, then he will reach out his hand, and so he will feel more confident. If a blind person is accompanied by a guide dog, then there is no need to play with the animal or distract it in any other way. The dog should be completely focused on its owner. A guide dog is designed to perform certain functions on which the safety of the owner depends.

If a blind person comes to visit you, take him to the room, bring him to an armchair, chair, put the person's hand on the back or armrests. Further, a blind person will cope on his own. If such a guest is going to spend some time in your house, tell him in advance about the arrangement of furniture in your room, about the layout of the apartment. The front door should be either tightly closed or fully open, not halfway. If you entered a room where there is already a blind person, then inform about yourself, introduce yourself, if he does not know you - get acquainted. If you are going to leave, then inform the blind person about this so that he does not turn into emptiness.
