Konovalova Galina Lvovna: Biography, Career, Personal Life

Konovalova Galina Lvovna: Biography, Career, Personal Life
Konovalova Galina Lvovna: Biography, Career, Personal Life

The names of great political and public figures who changed borders and created new states remain in history. Theater and film actress Galina Konovalova does not belong to this category of people. She just lived in an era of change.

Galina Konovalova
Galina Konovalova

Restless childhood

Some of the great thinkers noticed that when the guns are thundering, the muses are silent. Military actions and revolutions are unable to prevent the appearance of children among active participants in these events. Galina Lvovna Konovalova was born on August 1, 1916 in a family of Russian revolutionaries. There was already a girl in the house who had been born two years earlier. Parents at that time lived in the city of Baku. Both mother and father were members of the Bolshevik Party. They were engaged in agitation among workers in the oil fields.

In 1923, the head of the family was transferred to Moscow for a responsible job. Here Galina immediately went to study in the first grade. She quickly got used to living conditions in a big city. I traveled independently by tram from home to school. Not to say that the girl sat diligently for her lessons. Almost all subjects were easy for her. Konovalova participated in public life and enjoyed amateur performances. She liked to play in performances that were staged on the school stage.


Professional activity

When Galina was given a certificate of maturity, she already knew that she would receive a special education at the school at the Vakhtangov Theater. Here she learned the basics of acting under the supervision of famous teachers and directors. At rehearsals and test performances, I learned how the actors live on stage and behind the scenes. Observation and communication skills allowed her to establish contacts with colleagues. After graduation, Konovalova was accepted into the theater troupe.

The young actress was introduced to repertoire performances. It should be noted that for several years Galina Lvovna played episodic roles. Career evolved gradually, without ups and downs. Konovalova's track record includes classical and modern productions. For many years she appeared on stage in the performances "The Seagull", "Romeo and Juliet", "From the Life of a Business Woman". Daily, meticulous work on the next role was carried out without the slightest objection.


Personal life scenario

On the advice of colleagues and close people, Galina Lvovna wrote a book of her memoirs, which she called "It was recently, it was long ago." The book was published in 2008. The author with light humor and love tells about theatrical everyday life. About the evacuation to the city of Omsk, where the actors were taken out during the war. About their family everyday life and experiences.

The personal life of Galina Konovalova, contrary to existing stereotypes, developed according to classical patterns. She lived all her life in marriage with Vladimir Osenev, who also served at the Vakhtangov Theater. The husband and wife raised their daughter Elena. Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Galina Lvovna Konovalova passed away in September 2014.