What Is The Chilling Secret Of The PI Number

What Is The Chilling Secret Of The PI Number
What Is The Chilling Secret Of The PI Number

Pi is one of the most amazing numbers. Many scientific works have been devoted to its study; the most powerful supercomputers are working on calculating the sequence of its decimal part. Despite this, the Pi number still continues to excite the minds of researchers.

What is the chilling secret of the PI number
What is the chilling secret of the PI number

People usually learn about what the number Pi is in school - it is equal to the ratio of the circumference to its diameter. The number is interesting already in that it is not affected by the change in the diameter of the circle and, accordingly, its length, their ratio is universal. In addition, its amazing feature is that it is infinite. But there is another point that confuses the minds of scientists - there are no repeating sections in the decimal part of Pi, that is, in the one that follows the comma!

A person who is far from mathematics will only shrug his shoulders in response to this statement - well, it does not repeat itself, and so what? But the point is that this quality of pi is truly unique. We can say that the sequence of numbers in it represents chaos in its original form - there is not even a hint of any kind of structuring in it, which in itself seems impossible to scientists.

In confirmation of the unusualness of this, suffice it to say that scientists have not been able to find other similar examples of chaos. Even in seemingly very chaotic processes - for example, the movement of snowflakes in a blizzard, in a seething stream of water, etc. there are always repeating sections - the so-called fractals. We can say that chaos is organized and structured by itself. But this is not among Pi.

The beginning of the number Pi is known to almost every person - 3, 1415926 … Using supercomputers, scientists managed to calculate it to 12411-trillion digits, this achievement was included in the Guinness Book of Records. But even in this unimaginable length of the sequence, no pattern could be found.

This feature of the number Pi can be used in practice. We can say that this is the perfect random number generator. If you need a completely random sequence, it is enough to take any segment from the decimal part of Pi.

However, scientists are attracted not even by the practical aspects of using a chaotic sequence of numbers in the number Pi, but by this chaos itself - for them it is an example of the existence of something that cannot exist. There is every reason to believe that the disclosure of the secrets of this chaos will lead to amazing discoveries that can turn the life of mankind.
