How To Read Morning Prayers

How To Read Morning Prayers
How To Read Morning Prayers

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Believers have a special meaning in their prayers. This is a way to turn to God, to convey to him your requests and prayers. The more sincere the words spoken in this monologue-address, the brighter it will be on the heart of the person praying. How to read prayers in the morning?

How to read morning prayers
How to read morning prayers


Step 1

The Orthodox faith assumes that a believer, upon waking up, must first of all pray. Only then can you start your daily activities. Morning and evening prayers are walls that shield day and night from a person. The structure of the prayer is as follows: first say words of gratitude to God for his actions towards people, then repent of your sins, then state your petitions and end the prayer with praise of God.

Step 2

To pray with reverence and reverence, stand before the images and imagine yourself standing before God Himself. Having covered yourself with the sign of the cross, say: “In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.

Step 3

Then wait a few moments until all earthly thoughts are carried away and leave the mind and soul. If blasphemous thoughts do not constitute you, then ponder for a few minutes about death, the Last Judgment, heaven, hell and the Providence of God in the lives of people. Believers call this the “five holy discourses,” which help them focus and repent in prayer.

Step 4

Concentrating, keep praying. Say the "Prayer of the Publican" or "The Initial Prayer" (prayer before the beginning of good deeds).

Step 5

You need to finish your morning prayer by turning to God: “Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, both now and ever and forever and ever. Amen". Then say "Lord have mercy" three times. After saying your prayer, cross yourself.
