New drugs prolong the active period in a person's life. However, even the most advanced methods of treating serious illnesses do not guarantee healing. The fate of Anastasia Khabenskaya is a clear confirmation of this.

It is no secret that the biography of a famous person is written according to certain canons. Facts and plots of positive content are selected from memories. Such rules are formulated by decent people. Anastasia Khabenskaya lived a short and largely standard life. Few people note that this woman has fulfilled her duty prescribed to every inhabitant of the Earth from above. Throughout her short journey, she was accompanied by the love and devotion of loved ones. And she answered them with mutual understanding, sympathy, and concrete help.
Anastasia Smirnova, as she was called as a girl, was born on March 31, 1975 in an intelligent family. Parents at that time lived in the legendary city of Leningrad. My father was engaged in science. Mother worked as a biology teacher. The child grew up surrounded by care and attention. The girl studied well at school. She actively participated in amateur performances and social events. In high school, she was carried away by classes in a literary studio, which operated at the city house of pioneers. When it was time to choose a profession, Nastya decided to get a specialized education at the journalism department of a local university.

Love story
After graduating from the university, a certified journalist began her professional career at one of the radio stations in St. Petersburg. Simultaneously with the preparation of materials for the air, I wrote texts for newspapers and magazines. She worked easily, and she managed to do a lot the first time. When the editor was deciding which of the journalists to send for an interview with actor Konstantin Khabensky, the choice fell on Anastasia. The meeting took place in a cafe. One may or may not believe in love at first sight, but sympathy between young people arose from the first word.
At that time, the actor had not yet become a celebrity. And the young journalist was also just starting her career. The relationship between them developed on the basis of mutual sympathy without any mercantile considerations. As in an old, moralizing novel, they met for almost two years. And only in 2000 they legalized their marital relations. It would seem that everything is going well. Husband and wife had to go through difficult trials. For some reason, Nastya could not get pregnant. The long-awaited child appeared only in the seventh year of marriage.

Last years
After the birth of the boy, the Khabenskys named their son Ivan, and Anastasia was diagnosed with a brain tumor. The operation to remove the neoplasm was carried out in a short time. However, a relapse followed. Konstantin took his wife to a famous American clinic for treatment.
But even overseas, miracles do not happen. Anastasia passed away on December 1, 2008. She was buried at the Troekurovsky cemetery in Moscow.