Why You Need To Cherish Your Name

Why You Need To Cherish Your Name
Why You Need To Cherish Your Name

Some people wonder why you should cherish your name. Yes, undoubtedly, it got from the dearest, closest people - mom and dad. It was him that they pronounced with love and tenderness, bending over the child's bed, even when he was very young and could not even understand that they were talking to him. But still, what is the value of a name?

Why you need to cherish your name
Why you need to cherish your name

The name is what distinguishes each individual person from the great multitude of similar creatures. This is your personal identification mark. He will be called, evaluating your actions, behavior. Accordingly, absolutely everything that you have done - both good and bad - will be firmly connected with the name. Remember this, and try everywhere and always to act in such a way that your name evokes in other people only a positive response, and not condemnation. Do not forget that the name is accompanied by the surname that your father bears, was worn by your grandfather, as well as countless generations of distant ancestors. They are no longer among the living, but the memory of these people should keep you from unworthy actions. Even if the expression “Shame fell on the whole race” no longer has the same meaning as before, try not to denigrate their memory. And after all, you also have (or will) children, your continuation on this earth. They should be proud of their father, and not pronounce his name in shame, in an undertone. Any decent, self-respecting person treats his name in this way - as a hallmark of a free person who has both rights and self-esteem. It is no coincidence that at different times and in different countries, totalitarian, repressive regimes tried to depersonalize their opponents. After imprisonment or concentration camps, they were even deprived of the right to be called by name. Instead, each prisoner had to remember his personal number and call it, referring to the jailers. For violation of this rule, severe punishments were imposed. Of course, there are exceptions to any rule. Sometimes it happens that parents (God knows for what reason) give their child an incredibly pretentious, on the verge of absurdity, a name. As a result, their unfortunate offspring, having fully sipped ridicule from their peers, hurries to get rid of this "gift" at the first opportunity, replacing their name with another, more harmonious. And, really, one cannot reproach him for this.