How To Learn To Love Your Homeland

How To Learn To Love Your Homeland
How To Learn To Love Your Homeland

The homeland cannot be unloved if it is inhabited by offspring grateful to their ancestors. And besides a rich history, any society evaluates its capabilities based on the basic values of mankind, the first of which is precisely the territory of residence.

It captures the spirit from the immensity of the vastness of our Motherland
It captures the spirit from the immensity of the vastness of our Motherland

Modern world trends speak volumes about the fact that the population of the planet, although it declares its rights to cosmopolitanism, is increasingly oriented towards its national communities. That is, everyone, roughly speaking, wants to live in the countries of the "golden billion" in order to join the modern achievements of scientific and technological progress and civilization, but nevertheless gravitate towards their ethnic traditions, putting ancestral interests in the first place.

Why is this happening? The fact is that a person without "homeland and tribe", like a weed on the side of the road, ceases to be a full-fledged citizen in the highest sense of the word. This is a given not because ethnic groups can be full-fledged only in the conditions of their national tradition, but solely because of disorientation in the places where various subcultures are concentrated. After all, only a healthy balance of generations is able to harmoniously influence at all periods of an individual's life on his effective activity. And in places where such synchronization of individuals with society is lost (for example, megalopolises such as New York, London, Moscow, etc.), a person becomes as disconnected as possible from his family ties and simply loses a sense of responsibility for his contribution to the piggy bank of collective values, burning his life exclusively in an egoistic mood.

Such people not only do not like the place and community of their residence, which have been called the Motherland for centuries, but also completely switch from the root cause of their life (to make a feasible positive contribution to society) to the selfish consumption of goods created by the collective resource. Such destructivism within one generation can unbalance any social or state system. And therefore, it is precisely the correct attitude of the individual towards himself and the Motherland that can create that unique climate of large-scale prosperity for each person individually and for society as a whole.

And how can a person fall in love with his homeland if he is not an American, for example, and lives in a country with a cultivated "American Dream", which for many decades has been the most crowned product of human civilization? Is it possible for the inhabitants of this country to love Russia as much or even more? And the answer lies on the very surface. Of course you can and should!

The fact is that a citizen of any country loves his place of residence not only by default as a kind of duty. But also because of the achievements that were accumulated by many generations of his ancestors in comparison with the outside world. Thus, Europe is proud of its “European humanism” and standard of living, which primarily depends on the implementation of social programs, the United States has the principle of “leading world democracy” and military-economic superiority, the Arab world sacredly preserves its national traditions, and so on.

And what about Russia and its people ?! We have everything: a dignified history with imperial ambitions, a great spiritual heritage, indestructible by many social upheavals, and rich natural resources on a vast territory. And it is the last (immense territory) that becomes the subject of the greatest pride in the first place. After all, modern technologies aimed at creating a so-called "consumer society" with comfortable and safe living conditions need natural resources, which, in turn, are more or less evenly distributed over the entire surface of the Earth. So it turns out that every Russian is automatically richer (for the future, of course) than any other inhabitant of the planet. And given the fact that our defense industry is able to defend any encroachments on this fertile territory of other peoples and tribes without the appropriate goodwill and mutual interest of the parties, a very life-affirming picture is obtained.

You can own large financial resources and technologies, which is perishable, a huge population that needs to be fed and occupied with useful things, or be the master of fundamental vital resources, which is the territory. Is it possible that a resident of Russia can compare in his primary and primordial rights with a resident of any other country in the world ?!

The answer is obvious. Only being a resident of our country, you can be so confident in the future, taking into account many future generations of descendants.