How Is The International Day "Doctors Of The World For Peace"

How Is The International Day "Doctors Of The World For Peace"
How Is The International Day "Doctors Of The World For Peace"

The day of the commemorative bombing of the Japanese city of Hiroshima on August 6, 1945 is celebrated all over the world not only as a memory of the victims of this tragedy, but also as the International Day "Physicians of the World for Peace". This proposal was submitted to one of the meetings of the executive committee of the international organization "Physicians of the World for the Prevention of Nuclear Threat", it found support from all the countries of its participants.

How is the International Day "Doctors of the World for Peace"
How is the International Day "Doctors of the World for Peace"

This date is not in vain timed to coincide with the last days of the Second World War, its final part - the dropping of nuclear bombs on Japanese cities, first Hiroshima, and a few days later Nagasaki. It was doctors who had to face the consequences of atomic explosions and study their effect on human health. For many years after this tragedy, they treated people who suffered from radiation and its consequences, saw its effect on those who were born many years after the war, in peacetime.

International Doctors of the World for Peace Day is held traditionally: it begins in the Land of the Rising Sun, at 8:15 am local time, when on the streets of Hiroshima the Japanese greet him with a minute of silence in memory of the victims of the atomic bombing. The residents of the city and those who came here to express their grief from other cities and from all over the world gather at the memorial.

The organization "Doctors of the World for the Prevention of Nuclear War", which initiated this date, was established on the basis of the international organization "Médecins Sans Frontières" in 1980. It is headquartered in France and has over 2,000 members worldwide. Their activities are aimed at preventing such conflicts, they are fighting to end the arms race and use the funds intended for this to develop medicine. Doctors of the World for the Prevention of Nuclear War is a Nobel laureate for 1985, celebrating its fight for peace.

Doctors from different countries do not hold any special events on this day, because people of this profession do not have weekends and holidays. The founders of this date set as their goal to remind mankind of the responsibility that it bears not only for world peace, but also for all life on the planet. The task of physicians is to educate and explain the terrible threat that radiation poses to the gene pool of people and its use for military purposes.