Heavenly Hierarchy (Christian View)

Heavenly Hierarchy (Christian View)
Heavenly Hierarchy (Christian View)

In the Christian doctrine there is a special section about angels, which is called angelology. The heavenly hierarchy can be conventionally called the hierarchical position of certain ranks of holy angels.

Heavenly Hierarchy (Christian View)
Heavenly Hierarchy (Christian View)

The Bible mentions the existence of heavenly forces called angels. They were created before man. We can definitely say that the angels appeared no later than the fourth day of God's creation of the world. There is a widespread belief that angels were created by God before the emergence of the planet Earth.

Angels are ministering spirits that are sent by God to those who wish to inherit salvation - this is how the New Testament proclaims. Various angelic orders are mentioned in the Bible. Around the 5th-6th centuries, a hierarchy of angelic ranks was formalized. There was a creation attributed to Dionysius the Areopagite, called "On the Heavenly Hierarchy." However, it is currently not known exactly who wrote this work. The book says that there are nine angelic orders, which are divided into three triads.

The highest and most powerful angels are united in the triad of the Diocese. These include Seraphim, Cherubim, and Thrones. The second oldest triad is called Metarchy. It includes Dominions, Powers and Authorities. The lower triad has no definite name. Here the author of the work "On the Heavenly Hierarchy" includes the Beginnings, Archangels and Angels.

It should be especially noted that the Holy Scriptures mention the archangels of the heavenly host, who are called archangels. These include the Archangel Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and several others. Most likely, these are the angels who do not belong to the general hierarchy at all. However, it should be noted that a person cannot have complete knowledge of the structure of the angelic world. It is possible that this heavenly hierarchy is a way of representing the structure of the existence of angels. So, for example, it can be considered that commands from God to people through angels are carried out through the transfer of information from higher ranks to lower ones.