For the second year in a row, passions have been raging in Ukraine around the so-called "Tymoshenko case." The former prime minister of the country was charged with misuse of a large amount of budget funds, exceeding his authority when concluding contracts with Russia for the supply of gas, and other violations of the law. After a long time, a series of criminal cases against Yulia Tymoshenko, apparently, are still far from being completed.

At the end of 2010, Yulia Tymoshenko, who previously held the post of Prime Minister of Ukraine, was faced with a number of charges. It was, first of all, about the misuse of more than € 300 million, which Ukraine got after the sale of quotas for greenhouse gas emissions under the Kyoto Protocol. A little later, another criminal case was initiated against Tymoshenko. The ex-prime minister was accused of exceeding his authority when purchasing cars for the medical services of Ukraine.
Law enforcement agencies of Ukraine did not calm down on this. Additionally, Yulia Tymoshenko was also charged with violations in the conclusion of gas contracts with Russia in 2009. The verdict in this case was made in October 2011, reminds the Internet edition Lenta. Ru. In accordance with the court decision, Tymoshenko received seven years in prison and was taken to a colony.
Despite the fact that the state of health of the imprisoned Yulia Tymoshenko has deteriorated recently, the prosecution against her on the remaining charges continues. The conclusion of the international medical commission says that the ex-prime minister should continue treatment abroad, which is opposed by the official Ukrainian authorities.
According to Vesti, due to health reasons the defendant was unable to take part in the hearing scheduled for May 21. The next consideration of the case is scheduled for June 25, 2012, such a decision was adopted by the judge of the Kievskiy district court of Kharkov K. Sadovskiy. At the center of the consideration of the protracted case is the abuse of official position in the mid-90s of the last century, when Yulia Tymoshenko was the head of the United Energy Systems of Ukraine company. The investigating authorities saw in Tymoshenko's actions an official forgery, tax evasion and organization of embezzlement of public funds.
The current President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych, answering journalists' questions about the prospects of the case and the timing of its completion, said that he did not exclude the possibility of resolving the "Tymoshenko case" by political means. For this, the president stressed, it is necessary to wait for a court verdict. How long the wait can become will become clear at the end of June 2012, when the next court hearing will take place.