Drinking Coffee: Why It Is Worth Giving Up And What Are The Alternatives

Drinking Coffee: Why It Is Worth Giving Up And What Are The Alternatives
Drinking Coffee: Why It Is Worth Giving Up And What Are The Alternatives

Excessive consumption of coffee is harmful to the body. This makes the person more irritable. Energy is significantly reduced. Not right away. But a few months are enough to feel the loss. Therefore, it is worth giving up drinking even a few cups of coffee a day. And there are several significant reasons for this.

Refusal from coffee
Refusal from coffee

For a long period of time, scientists have been trying to figure out how coffee affects the body. The research is not straightforward. The drink invigorates someone, but makes others lethargic and apathetic.

Why you should give up coffee

At the present stage, coffee is one of the most popular drinks. This is mainly related to advertising. For some, just a cup a day is enough, while others can drink it in liters. But there are several reasons why it is better to give up drinking coffee.

  1. Dehydration. Coffee is a natural diuretic. Its use significantly increases the risk of dehydration.
  2. Promotes weight gain. Drinking coffee every day leads to a decrease in insulin sensitivity. And this, in turn, negatively affects weight loss.
  3. Teeth. The color of the enamel changes due to coffee. If you consume the drink every day for several cups, you can only dream of a Hollywood smile.
  4. Adequate sleep. Due to the frequent consumption of coffee in the afternoon, sleep is the first to suffer.
  5. Intestines. Why should you give up coffee? Its frequent use can cause constipation if you have irritable bowel syndrome. In addition, scientists have shown that digestion works several times better without coffee.
  6. Bad breath. Even if you use a straw to drink coffee, so as not to spoil the color of your teeth, breathing still suffers. Because of the drink, the process of salivation worsens, and this, in turn, has a beneficial effect on the development of bacteria in the oral cavity.
  7. Stress and anxiety. Due to the frequent consumption of coffee, there is a feeling that it is impossible to work at all without this drink. This is how anxiety and stress manifest themselves. And it is coffee that causes these sensations.
  8. Health. Due to the constant use of the drink, the production of thyroid hormones is blocked. Because of this, immunity suffers and susceptibility to disease increases.
  9. Drinking sweet coffee is unnecessary calories. Most of all, the drink is consumed in America. And it is in this country that the largest percentage of obese people.

Alternative to coffee

  1. Pomegranate juice is a great alternative to coffee. It will ideally replace it at lunchtime. Juice can also invigorate. In addition, it contains a huge variety of vitamins. But pomegranate juice is also not recommended to be consumed too often, otherwise digestive problems may arise.
  2. Drinks are not the only substitutes for coffee. To cheer up, you just need to take an upright position of the body. It has been proven that when a person is standing, the brain becomes more alert and focused. You can alternate between periods of standing and sitting. This will have a beneficial effect on productivity.
  3. A contrast shower is another good alternative to coffee. But more suitable for those people who work from home. It is not recommended to douche only with cold water, this will negatively affect the skin. You warm up under hot water for a few minutes, and then a cold shower for 30 seconds. And so several times.
  4. Black tea is a good alternative to coffee. Thanks to him, you can feel cheerfulness, lightness in the body. Fatigue will decrease. The heart will begin to work more actively, and sensitivity will noticeably increase. You can also use green tea.
  5. Walking can also act as an alternative to coffee. With its help, it will be possible to reboot the brain and get rid of overwork. Therefore, if you feel that you need to take a break, get away from the computer and take a walk.