Legoyda Vladimir Romanovich: Biography, Career, Personal Life

Legoyda Vladimir Romanovich: Biography, Career, Personal Life
Legoyda Vladimir Romanovich: Biography, Career, Personal Life

The relationship between church, state and society has been formed over many centuries. Currently, some provisions and regulations are being revised. Religious scholar and political scientist Vladimir Legoyda deals with this topic professionally.

Vladimir Legoyda
Vladimir Legoyda

The starting point

Vladimir Legoyda heads one of the important structures of the Moscow Patriarchate. This department was established to regulate the relations of the church with public organizations and the media. To represent the range of tasks and problems that have to be solved and resolved, specialists need to have a specialized education, have an outlook and plastic intellect. Historians, philosophers, culturologists, journalists and religious scholars work under the leadership of Legoida.

The biography notes that Legoyda was born on August 8, 1973. The family lived at that time in Kostanay. The head of the family served in the police, and the mother worked as a teacher at the school. The child grew up collected and purposeful. After school, from which Vladimir graduated with a gold medal, he entered the famous MGIMO department of international information. At the institute, he was diligently engaged in science and, as expected, received an honors degree. After completing his studies, he worked abroad for several years in various structures of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Scientific and educational activities

Legoyda defended his Ph. D. thesis in 2000. The scientist purposefully chose the topic "Symbols and rituals in the political processes of the United States." He saw how the political establishment lives overseas, and what techniques Russian politicians are adopting. Even with a superficial analysis, one can classify the current situation using a figurative popular expression: what the peasants, so the monkey. Within the framework of globalization, such an approach is quite acceptable and even justified.

Regular cooperation with structures of the Orthodox Church began in 2006. Vladimir Romanovich was involved in the development of the foundations of the doctrine of dignity, freedom and human rights in the Orthodox interpretation. Legoida's scientific and educational career developed successfully. For two years he headed the department of journalism at his native institute. In 2010, the scientist was approved as a member of the Council for Culture under the Patriarch. A year later, he became a member of the academic council of the Orthodox gymnasium in Moscow.

Essays on personal life

The versatile creativity of Vladimir Legoyda brings worthy results. He, following the highest commandments, continues to sow rational, good, eternal. With his active participation, the cultural and educational magazine "Foma" was established and published. Legoyda, despite the heavy workload, remains the editor-in-chief of the publication. In 2018, he began to host an author's program on the Spas TV channel.

Little is known about the personal life of Vladimir Romanovich, although he does not make a secret out of it. Legoyda is married. Husband and wife joined their fates in their early youth. Raised and raised three children. The atmosphere of love and mutual respect reigns in the house of the spouses.
