How To Write A Review Of A Concert

How To Write A Review Of A Concert
How To Write A Review Of A Concert

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The review is a good opportunity to share your impressions of the last concert, collect all thoughts together and put them on the shelves. But for others to want to read it, it must be written competently and interestingly.

How to write a concert review
How to write a concert review


Step 1

To make the review consistent and clear, make a plan before writing it. Highlight the main points that you want to highlight, arrange what happened in chronological order, make notes on those points for which you already have ideas. Having a plan will help you adhere to the structure of the narrative, not forget important details and not make too many unnecessary digressions.

Step 2

Write an introduction to the review. In it, you can indicate basic information about the performing collective, tell what caused the visit to your city (if the speakers are visitors). Also, in the introduction, you can write about your expectations on the eve of the concert and talk about whether they were confirmed or not.

Step 3

Write about everything in detail, preferably in chronological order. Describe the mood that prevailed in the hall before the concert, how the musicians took the stage, communicated with the audience, or simply played their set. Tell us separately about the compositions you played. Check the ones that caused the greatest resonance in the audience. If among them there were completely new musical compositions (or, conversely, not performed for a long time), be sure to mention this as well.

Step 4

Tell us about the concert costumes of the performers: were they present or not. Write about if this is typical for them. If the concert program was theatrical or with invited guests, tell us more about this in your review.

Step 5

Give an overall assessment of the past concert. Highlight his strengths and weaknesses. Focus on what mistakes were made and how they could have been avoided. If you have an interview with the musicians before or after the concert, insert the most interesting excerpts into the review. Comment on them if you wish. Such remarks will make the review more interesting and meaningful.

Step 6

Reread what you have written to find and correct mistakes. Remove unnecessary things, rewrite phrases that are difficult to understand. Let someone you know read the review so that they can point out any shortcomings in the material.
