The People Who Steal Our Strength

The People Who Steal Our Strength
The People Who Steal Our Strength

Sometimes we experience a breakdown for an unknown reason. It seems that the work was not so hard as to get tired, and no one twitched or upset. So what could be the problem? Everything is very simple - remember with whom you spoke today at work or at home …

The people who steal our strength
The people who steal our strength

And remember the moment when your strength left you. This is important because it is during communication with each other that we gain or lose energy, strength and joy of life.

Yes, we are talking about those very energy vampires who sometimes openly and sometimes imperceptibly steal our energy. Let's try to classify them according to general criteria, so that it is easier to figure out with the help of what methods this or that person is trying to "de-energize" us. And we will put up protection from these actions, because we need our energy ourselves, right?

So, the types of energy vampires and how to defend against them.

1. Loves only himself, thinks only of himself; does not feel when the other is bad. How to protect yourself? Do not expect warmth and care from him (her), so as not to be disappointed. If you must communicate (at work), you will have to show that you are useful to him.

2. This person is eternally unhappy and presents his life as the worst of lives. However, it is worth proposing to solve the problem, as he will find a hundred reasons why this will not help him. And he will exhaust the interlocutor with new attempts to complain about the bitter fate. How to protect yourself? To say that if he does not want to look for solutions to his problem, then the conversation needs to be rescheduled for the next time. After several such techniques, the victim will go to look for another "vest".

3. He knows exactly what you should and shouldn't do. Where to go and where not to. Who is worth dating … is it generally clear? He asks what time you will come and is unhappy if the meeting drags on. How to protect yourself? You need to feel inner confidence and independence in what you are doing. And gently thwart control attempts.

four.. Constantly expresses his opinion on any occasion, not allowing anyone to insert a word. Washes out with endless conversations. How to protect yourself? To say politely, but bluntly, that he (she) should be silent, because people need to work. They do not understand hints, because they do not control their speech flow. If this is your loved one, suggest that he must control himself.

5. This person raises any unpleasant little thing that happened to him to the rank of "universal grief" and thereby seeks benefits for himself, infringing on you. You feel it, but there is nothing you can do - because he expects sympathy. How to protect yourself? Putting really important things in the first place and thereby reducing the scale of its “theatricalization”. In other words, to put it in its place, distinguishing between the important and the unimportant.

Now take an "inventory" of your acquaintances and categorize them if there are thieves of your energy among them. And build relationships according to your own rules - save your energy.
