How To Save Our Planet

How To Save Our Planet
How To Save Our Planet

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Environmentalists believe that for several decades a person has been sawing off the branch of the tree on which he sits. To prevent an ecological catastrophe and save our planet for many years, in fact, you need to follow some simple rules every day.

How to save our planet
How to save our planet


Step 1

To help preserve the planet for posterity, you need to start small. For example, with energy savings. To do this, buy energy-saving bulbs instead of ordinary bulbs. Unplug computers at night. Install a voltage stabilizer in the house, which will equalize the energy entering the house to the required 220 V, and will allow household appliances to work in normal mode. By the way, try to update household appliances with new configurations that are more economical in the use of electricity.

Step 2

Save water. Replace the bathroom in your home with a shower stall. Monitor the condition of the taps in the apartment. Install water meters. Wash the dishes with a thin stream of water. Wash laundry in automatic typewriters using time-saving and hot water modes.

Step 3

Food choices and your daily diet can also help preserve our planet. Switch to a completely vegetarian diet at least once a week. Use food that is produced and grown in the area where you live. Remove fast food from your diet. Thus, you will save your health and will not support producers who use palm oil in their products, obtained by cutting down trees, and adding non-natural chemical fillers. Buy only the foods you need to keep you satiated. And do not take anything from the store for future use. As a rule, this part of the products is mercilessly thrown away by the housewives.

Step 4

Save your paper. Use both sides of each sheet to write. Reduce the number of paper towels you use throughout the day. Do not cut down young, not dry trees for your needs. Only use dry wood to build a fire or heat your home.

Step 5

Try to travel by more economical and environmentally friendly transport. Choose trains over airplanes, bicycles over cars, and walking over public transport.

Step 6

In nature, do not leave trash behind you, do not throw it into the water, always carefully extinguish the fire, do not tear flowers, plants that you throw away afterwards. Do not kill animals, hunt. When fishing, do not fish with nets, dynamite, electric fishing rods.
