Political Scientist Vyacheslav Kovtun: Biography And Interesting Facts

Political Scientist Vyacheslav Kovtun: Biography And Interesting Facts
Political Scientist Vyacheslav Kovtun: Biography And Interesting Facts

Today Vyacheslav Kovtun can often be seen on Russian TV channels. He is a regular guest on social and political talk shows. In addition to his main activity, the political scientist is known as a publicist and journalist.

Political scientist Vyacheslav Kovtun: biography and interesting facts
Political scientist Vyacheslav Kovtun: biography and interesting facts

Childhood and youth

Vyacheslav's biography began in the small Kyrgyz village of Karakul, where he was born in 1968. He spent his childhood in Kyrgyzstan until his family moved to Ukraine. After leaving school, Slava entered the main capital university - Kiev University. Taras Shevchenko. The young man chose the Faculty of History with a specialization in Political Science and International Relations. The education he received and the acquaintances he acquired during his postgraduate studies determined his further career.

Political scientist and politician

Closer in spirit to him was the Liberal Party of Ukraine, of which Vyacheslav became a member while still at the university. The certified specialist was entrusted with the position of the chairman of the control and auditing commission in the presidium. By this time, the pro-Western mindset of the political scientist Kovtun was formed. In 2010, he headed the Expert Center for Public Interest Research in Kiev and took the position of an irreconcilable Russophobe. The radical politician supported the Ukrainian presence in NATO, the Kiev coup and the military events in Donbass. Working at Expert allowed him to plunge into the epicenter of political events in the country and get acquainted with the activities of the government apparatus.

Television brought him wide popularity. On the programs Right to Vote, Special Correspondent, Vremya Pokazhet, Sunday Evening with Vladimir Solovyov, he positioned himself as an expert on political life in Ukraine. Kovtun has the qualities of an excellent speaker and manipulator. It costs him nothing to persuade the interlocutor to his side. Vyacheslav's popularity in his country is growing every year. His speeches often contain harsh statements against Russia. The political scientist considers the events in Crimea illegitimate, he is categorical about the participation of the Russian Federation in the events in the east of Ukraine and the Euromaidan.

How does he live today

The personal life of Vyacheslav Kovtun is hidden from the general public. It is only known that he and his wife are raising three children. In addition to political activities, he owns a security company. Private business brings good dividends, as clients are important commercial objects and famous personalities.

Political scientist Kovtun has made a good career. His takeoff was smooth and confident. But the Liberal Party of Ukraine, in which he retains membership to this day, does not find active support among the country's population, therefore, in addition to political consultations, the analyst leads an active media life. Often political debates in the studio end in fights. Expressing his point of view on the social processes of neighboring countries, the scandalous politician gained many ill-wishers among the Ukrainian and Russian authorities.