How To Apply For Political Asylum In Europe

How To Apply For Political Asylum In Europe
How To Apply For Political Asylum In Europe

Political asylum is a special legal status. A citizen who is persecuted in his homeland can leave his country and apply for a place of residence in other European countries, and this threatens his life or health.

How to apply for political asylum in Europe
How to apply for political asylum in Europe

In accordance with the 1951 Geneva Convention, you can apply for political asylum in any country, regardless of your permanent place of residence. If you are persecuted, and you fear for your life and health, as well as for the life and health of your family, then you have the right to leave your homeland and ask for temporary asylum in other countries.

To obtain political refugee status, take a direct flight to your chosen European country. If you traveled with transplants via third countries, you may be denied political asylum and will be advised to apply for political refugee status in the territory where you transplanted after leaving your home country.

Immediately after arriving in the country, contact the interdepartmental service or the border guards. For example, if you flew to Germany, you need to immediately visit the Federal Service for the Granting of Refugee Status.

The specified service will give you a unified application form. You will fill in all the fields. This will be an application for political refugee status.

The Federal Service will need to present: a passport, a medical certificate, legal documents confirming the fact of persecution in your country. These can be documents from law enforcement agencies or state security agencies, resolutions, protocols of seizures and searches, notarized written confirmation of relatives, colleagues, acquaintances, membership cards of opposition or political parties. Translate all documents into the language of the country in which you are applying for asylum.

In a few days, you will be given a written decision from the Immigration Board. The granted status of a political refugee will allow you to live in the country on legal terms, learn the language, get a job 180 days after granting the status, and receive all the social benefits provided in this country.