Krutikhin Mikhail Ivanovich: Biography, Career, Personal Life

Krutikhin Mikhail Ivanovich: Biography, Career, Personal Life
Krutikhin Mikhail Ivanovich: Biography, Career, Personal Life

The world market for hydrocarbons is stable. At the same time, buyers and sellers are constantly fighting for lucrative contracts. Mikhail Krutikhin has been analyzing processes in regional markets for many years and making forecasts for future development.

Krutikhin Mikhail Ivanovich
Krutikhin Mikhail Ivanovich

Starting conditions

Mikhail Ivanovich Krutikhin was born on December 21, 1946. The family lived at that time in Moscow. My father held a high position in the Ministry of Chemical Industry. Mother worked at an oil refinery. Parents spent many years in the capital of Azerbaijan. They worked in the number of engineering and technical personnel in the oil fields. They were fluent in English and passed on their knowledge to the child. There were many books in the house, and Mikhail learned to read at an early age.

At school, Krutikhin studied well. He was no different from his peers. He went in for sports and public affairs. He joined the Komsomol when he was fourteen years old. Showed a serious interest in world history and foreign language. When the time came to decide on a profession, Mikhail, on the advice of his elders, chose the department of the Persian language and literature at the famous Institute of Oriental Languages. I passed the entrance exams on the first try.

Professional activity

In 1970, Mikhail completed his education and received the specialty of a translator. A graduate of a prestigious educational institution spoke the following languages - English, French, Persian and Arabic. According to the rules in force in those years, the young specialist was sent to serve as a military translator of the Soviet embassy in Iran. In this position, Krutikhin underwent excellent language practice and studied in detail how the host country lives. At that time, regional wars were raging in the Middle East.

The confrontation between the two powers, the USSR and the United States, was accompanied by a complication of the international situation. In order to objectively and competently cover the events taking place on the southern borders of the Soviet country, trained specialists were required. Mikhail Krutikhin was appointed head of the correspondent office in Tehran. His journalistic career was developing successfully. For almost twenty years, with short interruptions, Mikhail has been collecting and processing up-to-date information on the situation in the region.

Essays on personal life

Processing huge streams of information, Krutikhin collected data on the state of the oil and gas market in a separate folder. And creativity was not in vain. In 1985 he defended his Ph. D. thesis for the degree of candidate of historical sciences. Moreover, Mikhail Ivanovich has developed a system for drawing up long-term and medium-term forecasts about the state of the oil market. Krutikhin's biography says that since 1992 he has been engaged in analytical research in this sector of the world economy.

Almost nothing is known about the personal life of the orientalist and analyst. Mikhail Ivanovich, as an experienced intelligence officer, does not allow information leakage. The husband and wife live in Moscow. Love and mutual respect reign in the house. Krutikhin, despite his mature age, continues to provide services to investors in analyzing the economic situation in the world.
