Sarantsev Yuri Dmitrievich: Biography, Career, Personal Life

Sarantsev Yuri Dmitrievich: Biography, Career, Personal Life
Sarantsev Yuri Dmitrievich: Biography, Career, Personal Life

For a wide range of viewers, cinema remains the most important of the arts. And the screen also attracts talented and ambitious people. Yuri Sarantsev became an actor almost by accident. I just came to the entrance exams with a friend.

Yuri Sarantsev
Yuri Sarantsev

Childhood and youth

Yuri Dmitrievich Sarantsev was born on October 7, 1928 in the family of a career officer. Parents at that time lived in a small town in the Saratov region. My father served in a tank brigade. The mother did the housework and looked after the boy. The fact is that Yura grew up as a sickly child. After a thorough examination, the attending pediatrician advised to take him to a different climatic zone.

Just at this time, the head of the family was sent to the Far East for further service. On the banks of the famous Amur, Yuri began to exercise regularly. I got stronger quickly. At school I participated in all sports competitions. His favorite sports were football and cross-country skiing. In high school, Sarantsev was carried away by classes in a theater studio. After a short period of time, they began to trust him with the main roles in amateur performances. The magic of stage creativity gradually captured the young man.


Professional activity

When the time came to choose a profession, Sarantsev, after some deliberation, decided to get a specialized education at the famous VGIK. To the surprise of family and friends, Yuri passed the entrance exams the first time. He studied diligently. The first time I got on the set was as a student. The textured young man was invited to play a supporting role in the film "In the Steppe". Yura convincingly played a young and energetic Komsomol organizer. In 1951, after graduating from the institute, the certified actor entered the service in the Theater-Studio of the film actor.

The role of each actor develops gradually, from project to project. At first, Sarantsev was invited to supporting roles and episodes. After a few years, he developed a certain image. Yuri got the roles of militiamen and officers, engineers and salesmen, sailors and factory workers. After the release of the films "True Friends", "Captain of the Old Turtle", "Ways and Fate" Yuri began to be recognized in stores and on the street. The career was going well. There was a lot of work. In the 80s, Sarantsev starred in the cult drama Cruel Romance, The Married Bachelor, and Love with Privileges.

Recognition and privacy

In the 90s, the financial situation of many actors left much to be desired. Sarantsev had to deal with dubbing films. For his many years of work, Yuri Dmitrievich was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor. He was awarded the title "People's Artist of Russia".

The personal life of Yuri Sarantsev has developed well. All his adult life, he lived in marriage with actress Vera Petrova. The husband and wife raised and raised their daughter. The actor passed away in August 2005.
