How To Summon God

How To Summon God
How To Summon God

Table of contents:


The hero of the popular animated series "The Simpsons", the devout Flanders, had the ability to get in direct contact with God. He helped the hapless barbel to get out of the trouble. In real life, we sometimes lack the help of higher powers, and even the biggest skeptics sometimes wonder how to get their support?

A person is always attracted by the unknown
A person is always attracted by the unknown


Step 1

Try not to fall into vulgar occultism. Today, many books are being published that teach the layman witchcraft, magic and the ability to communicate with the dead. Psychiatrists warn that this kind of literature is not at all harmless, especially for easily excitable people.

Step 2

Realize that you are not alone. Most often we think about God when we find ourselves in a difficult situation. Remember, sometimes the way out is completely unexpected and at that moment when there is almost no hope left. Parapsychologists argue that in this way higher powers make a person understand that he is not alone.

Step 3

However, it is sometimes possible to reach heaven without much effort. For example, we feel connected with something big in moments of happiness, joy. Try to remember such moments and become aware of your feelings.

Step 4

There are legends about Christian saints, to whom the Mother of God appeared in a dream or in reality to show the way. It is believed that only a select few are honored with such an honor. But the path to the divine is also open for an ordinary person, you just need to listen to yourself.

Step 5

Figuratively speaking, God is all the best that surrounds us. The rustle of foliage, sunlight, the smile of a child - this is how the higher forces in their earthly incarnation communicate with a person. Getting in touch with them means appreciating all the lessons life gives us. Blessed Augustine thought so.

Step 6

Create your own rituals for communicating with God. If you are not used to going to church and have always considered yourself an atheist, you can read verses instead of prayers - their effect is akin to prayer, they also give peace.

Step 7

Try to relieve stress on a regular basis. In some Buddhist beliefs, it is believed that meditation calms the mind precisely so that higher powers can help a person by penetrating into his "empty", that is, free from anxiety, head.

Step 8

The Christian Fathers claim that God is everywhere. He hears us, but, in ordinary language, does not always have the opportunity to answer. He is believed to be aware of all our aspirations, so if you are unable to contact him directly, do not despair. Just trust that he will not leave you. Sometimes this is enough.