All capable citizens of Russia talk about the political structure of the state, about personal and social values. However, very few people can understand the hidden meaning of events. Dmitry Furman was professionally engaged in the study of historical processes. In his books you can find answers to some questions.

Incentive motives
To seriously engage in scientific research, a person needs certain conditions. It is hard to imagine that the son of a lumberjack would leave his ax and go to study science at the university without outside help. Although such situations have occurred in the Soviet Union. Dmitry Efimovich Furman was born on February 28, 1943 in an intelligent family. Parents lived in Moscow. His father worked in an art workshop, where various posters and banners were drawn. The mother was engaged in housekeeping.

It is important to note that Dmitry's grandfather was engaged in political activities in his youth. Participated in the revolutionary movement. The boy grew up and formed in an environment where discussions were constantly held about the rules for building a communist society. Furman studied well at school. His favorite subjects were history and literature. At an early age, he began to read serious works and retell their content to his younger brother. For example, he carefully studied the main work of Karl Marx "Capital".

Scientific activity
After the tenth grade, Furman entered the history department of Moscow University. By that time, a group of historians had formed at the faculty who scrupulously studied the processes of the formation of Christianity in Europe. Having received a higher special education, Dmitry entered graduate school at the Department of Oriental Studies. After the allotted time in 1968 he defended his Ph. D. thesis on the topic "Domestic policy of Emperor Julian".

Then for several years he lectured at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University. Dmitry Efimovich put a lot of effort into telling a wide audience about little-known pages from the past of Byzantium and Russia. In 1967, the first article on this topic was published on the pages of the Novy Mir magazine. The translation of the letters of the famous Julian the Apostate, which were published in several issues of the Herald of Ancient History, aroused great interest among readers and colleagues.

Essays on personal life
In 1981, Furman defended his doctoral dissertation on "Religion and Social Conflict in the United States." He knew that similar processes were observed in the USSR, but it was dangerous to talk about it out loud. Until a certain point, the work of Dmitry Furman did not touch on current political problems. At the same time, the scientist had a great store of academic knowledge and personal experience. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, he studied the problems of the formation of democracy in the CIS.
Dmitry Efimovich did not like to talk about his personal life. Although I did not make a secret of this topic. Furman got married while still a student. The husband and wife raised and raised a son and daughter. The scientist died in July 2011 after a long illness.