Emigration to European countries for many people living in our country has become a real opportunity to realize their potential in a successful country, or simply become a citizen of a country with a high level of development and social standards. The options for obtaining a residence permit in Europe are varied. Which of them to stay on and which one to prefer if you decide to change your citizenship?

Step 1
The desire to live in European countries is explained by various factors, including a stable economy, an optimal political climate, and a loyal attitude towards emigrants. The possibility of obtaining citizenship is quite real, and without excessive expenditure of time and effort. There are five main ways of emigration to European countries, of course, we are talking about legitimate ways.
Step 2
So, emigration to European countries is permissible due to ethnicity in the population of the host country; if there are relatives in the host country who have citizenship of this country; in the framework of refugee support programs; in connection with the presence of their own business in the host country (business emigration); if you have a job invitation.
Step 3
Today, Germany and Greece are more loyal to ethnic immigrants than others. The peculiarity of emigration to these countries is their readiness to receive citizens of the former USSR. It is enough to confirm the fact that you have a former Soviet citizenship. In fact, within the framework of this program of these countries, this is the main requirement for obtaining a residence permit.
Step 4
If you are planning to emigrate in order to develop your own business, then your choice is the countries of Eastern Europe. It is there that you can easily register your company with a fairly modest start-up capital. After opening a business, it will not be difficult to obtain citizenship of the country of work, and you will not be required to stay in the country permanently.
Step 5
The stable Great Britain and Italy are more suitable for family emigration, with their consistently high standard of living and the absence of social upheavals. In these countries, the minimum level of unemployment and optimal conditions for obtaining a residence permit is precisely when emigrating with a family.