Aleksey Mikhailovich Chaly is a controversial, but undoubtedly large figure on the political "chessboard" of Sevastopol. His education and scientific activities, participation in big business, entering big politics, a key role in the return of Sevastopol to Russian jurisdiction and fading into the background in 2016 are of interest to the general public. No less interesting for readers are the biography and everyday life of a person who has become famous literally before our eyes.

Alexey Mikhailovich was born on June 13, 1961 in a Moscow student family. The first place of residence until the child was almost one year old was a tiny room where the three of them huddled. She was arranged in a space intended for an elevator shaft, and only love could turn her into a cozy family nest.
Soon, due to poor health, the father moved his wife and son to Sevastopol, where the young family could enlist the support of loved ones and, after graduating, continued not only to work in their specialty, but also to conduct scientific activities.
Alexei Mikhailovich's brother was born in 1963. Today Mikhail Mikhailovich is among the deputy corps of the region.
Alexey Mikhailovich received two higher educations. The diploma of the famous Holland - the Sevastopol Higher Naval Engineering School, (SVVMIU), was supplemented by another one, the Sevastopol Instrument-Making Institute (SPI).
I met perestroika already with a candidate of sciences, working at a research institute since 1987. During the period when the USSR collapsed and many did not find a place in a new life, Alexey Mikhailovich continued to build a career and worked on his doctoral dissertation, which he successfully defended in 1997.
In the 90s, under his leadership, a powerful research and production enterprise was created, one of the largest in the region. Today it continues to function successfully and has grown into the industrial holding of the same name "Tavrida Electric".
Two-in-one: scientist and businessman
Continuing the work on the implementation and industrial use of his father's inventions, Chaly set up their production at the Lviv plant and organized large contracts for gas and energy enterprises divided into different states of Ukraine and Russia. As a result, by the mid-90s, the company's profit exceeded $ 3 million. At the beginning of the new century, the management of Tavrida Electric is already in Chernogolovka (Moscow), where new production facilities have also been opened. The main design and scientific staff are still working in Sevastopol. Thanks to the creation of the device, which bypassed in the early 2000s the best analogues presented by American developers and manufactured by Cooper Power Systems, the holding begins a triumphant international activity. The release of the device on the world market brings contracts with Australia, India, Mexico, Egypt, Great Britain, South Africa and other countries. But for Chaly, it is more important to ensure the safe use of government classified facilities in Russia for power supply. By 2008, the holding's revenues exceeded $ 140 million, becoming world leaders in certain types of products and providing 10-20% of world supplies. Today the association has more than a dozen enterprises, and its products are supplied to 70 countries. The 2011 award "For Faith and Loyalty" is a natural result, which Aleksey Mikhailovich achieved through many years of hard work.
Must be a citizen
A wave of political indignation during the 2014 Russian Spring brought Chaly to the crest of his political activities. By the decision of the regional "people's veche" on the memorable day of February 23, he was appointed the mayor of the city and headed a special body of temporary administration of the region - the Coordination Council for Life Support. The title of "People's Mayor", which is not stipulated by any regulation, was established for him forever and went down in history. The residents of Sevastopol will not forget how on March 18 Chaly signed in the Kremlin under the epoch-making document that returned Crimea and Sevastopol to Russia.
But already in April of the same year, Chaly resigned as governor of the region, intending to transfer the reins of government to statesmen who were professionally prepared for this kind of activity. Sergei Menyailo, who was appointed to this post, did not at all correspond to the ideas of Chaly, as well as many Sevastopol residents. Having failed to find mutual understanding with him, Aleksey Mikhailovich became a member of the Legislative Assembly, constituting a counterbalance to the executive branch of government as part of the deputy corps. On August 22, the Legislative Assembly voted to elect him as its leader. But on March 22, 2016, Chaly also left this post "of his own free will," and the deputies did not keep him. Since then, the political activity of Aleksey Mikhailovich has been limited to his work as a member of the Legislative Assembly, which is characterized by constant, unswerving and attentive criticism of the actions of the authorities from the standpoint of a patriot of the city of Sevastopol.
Social activity
Possessing powers, authority and means, Aleksey Mikhailovich Chaly did a lot for his native city. For several years, schoolchildren have received diaries on September 1, in which they can compare their daily successes with the facts of the glorious history and exploits of the heroes of Sevastopol. "Diary of a Sevastopol Schoolboy" has become one of the most successful examples of creativity and implementation of Chaly's public projects.
But the most significant and grandiose was the creation of the 35th Coastal Battery Memorial Complex, which Aleksey Mikhailovich has consistently implemented since 2005, and his brother, Mikhail Mikhailovich, headed the first years after its opening.
The project could not but support the Ukrainian authorities, its popularity was used in the election campaigns of various parties and politicians. Subsequently, upon commissioning, the object caused a lot of misinterpretation regarding land ups and downs. But today the Memorial is valid, and its existence, the impact on visitors from among the residents of Sevastopol and guests of the city, is undeniable.
Opening the veil
Alexey Mikhailovich is a rather closed person in his personal life. As a spouse and father of two children, he leaves without comment attempts to penetrate the line with which he protects his loved ones and the way his family lives. This is surprisingly combined with the inner freedom of this extraordinary person, which he emphasizes both with the harshness of his judgments and the non-recognition of secular conventions in his external image, for example, in clothes. One can be sure: the continuation of the biography of Alexei Mikhailovich Chaly will be inextricably linked with the history of Sevastopol.