The activities of the deputies of regional legislative bodies are under the direct control of the electorate. Nikolai Mochalin has been representing the interests of his voters in the Legislative Assembly of the Novosibirsk Region for many years.

Starting conditions
The future deputy of the regional legislative assembly was born on May 13, 1952 in an ordinary Soviet family. Nikolai was the second child of four. Two brothers and two sisters grew up in the house. Parents at that time lived in the village of Suzun in the Novosibirsk region. My father worked as a machine operator on a state farm. The mother was engaged in the upbringing of children in kindergarten. Practical skills were taught to the boy from an early age. He helped his mother in the garden and in the yard. I was weeding the beds. Hilling potatoes. He chopped wood and brought water from the well.

Nikolai studied well at school. His favorite subjects were mathematics and physics. He actively participated in social events and sports competitions. When the age approached, he joined the Komsomol together with his classmates. Like all peers, Mochalin seriously thought about choosing a profession. After much thought and analysis of the situation, I decided to get a higher education at the construction department of the Novosibirsk Institute of Railway Engineers. I passed the entrance exams on the first try. During his studies, he regularly worked in the student construction brigade.

Professional activity
After graduating from the institute, the certified engineer began his working career in the famous Novosibirskzhilstroy trust. In the mid-70s, housing construction in the city went on at a high pace. Plant of reinforced concrete products No. 4 (ZZHBI-4) systematically failed to cope with the planned targets. As a result of personnel changes, Nikolai Andreevich Mochalin was appointed chief technologist at this enterprise. In a short time, Mochalin managed to turn the tide and bring the plant to a stable production mode. A few years later he was appointed director.

When a wave of privatization of state-owned enterprises took place in the country in the early 90s, Mochalin managed to keep production. The competently carried out corporatization of ZZHBI-4 became one of the director's merits. In 1997, Nikolai Mochalin was elected a deputy of the regional council. He actively took up work on the committee for construction and housing and communal services. The deputy devotes most of his time to legislative work. He holds regular receptions of citizens, and knows well how his voters live.

Recognition and privacy
For his significant contribution to the development of the Novosibirsk region, Nikolai Andreevich was awarded the insignia of the regional legislative assembly. Mochalin was awarded the title of Honorary Builder of the Russian Federation.
The deputy makes no secret of his personal life. He lives in his second marriage. When the spouses created a new unit of society, they already had children. A son with a wife and a daughter with a husband. After a while, the half-brother and sister got married, and gave their parents a granddaughter Katerina.