What Is Society

What Is Society
What Is Society

Society, public - we hear these concepts every day. They are used to determine the social systems and formations of citizens of this state on various grounds. Local societies can be formed according to social origin and status, position on the hierarchical ladder, interests and specific goals that unite people.

What is society
What is society

In a broad sense, society is a society formed for territorial and historical reasons, united by the established forms of joint activity. If we consider the elementary cell of society - a person, then his position in society is determined by a complex system of connections, interactions and relations. The science of sociology is engaged in the study of society and the processes occurring in it, the laws by which it exists. She defines this concept as a kind of human group, formed at a certain stage due to the fact that its members had common moral values and interests. Within society, there may be sub-communities in which people unite according to cultural, social, professional or any other interests. Sociology assumes that society should have such characteristics as the presence of its own territory, a common historical path of development, a system of government and power, a system of moral values, names. Society is a form of existence necessary for a full-fledged human life. His whole life passes in society, and the goals and objectives that he sets for himself during his life should not contradict those goals and objectives, those rules that exist in this society. Paradoxically, a person can perceive himself as a person, as an individual, only being a member of society. Despite the fact that the life of each member of society is in accordance with the ideas and values that are accepted in it, society is a self-regulating system that can change under the influence of each member. The state is called upon to control and regulate the interaction of all members of society through civil and criminal law, morality. The society establishes those norms that relate not only to public, but also to the personal life of all its members. Of course, everyone's personal business is how accurately he will follow these norms, but, as a rule, in civilized states, they are designed to ensure the equal and full-fledged existence of all members of society and do not contradict personal interests.