Baskova Svetlana Yurievna: Biography, Career, Personal Life

Baskova Svetlana Yurievna: Biography, Career, Personal Life
Baskova Svetlana Yurievna: Biography, Career, Personal Life

Talented people tend to perceive the surrounding reality through the prism of their ideas. This prism does not always allow you to see the real picture of the world. Svetlana Baskova is a talented artist and director, not loved by everyone and understood by not everyone either.

Svetlana Baskova
Svetlana Baskova

Starting conditions

When a pretty and fragile-looking girl uses profanity in a conversation, it makes an impression on the interlocutor. Svetlana Baskova uses various forms of expressing her views and thoughts. She can paint an abstract picture. Write a few rhymed lines or make a full-length film. As part of her work, she raises social and moral problems that officials prefer to keep quiet about and ordinary people do not like to talk about.

She was born on May 25, 1965 in an intelligent family. Parents lived in Moscow. The girl studied well at school. Svetlana's favorite subjects were drawing and geography. I didn't like physical education. She was actively involved in Komsomol work - she designed the school wall newspaper. After the tenth grade, I decided to get a specialized education at the famous Architectural Institute.

Dear fight

By the time Svetlana received her diploma in architecture, perestroika was raging in the country. Two years later, the Soviet Union was gone, and the usual way of life collapsed to the ground. Baskova did not find a suitable job in her specialty. At the same time, she exhibited her paintings at various openings of contemporary art. She watched with horror how the people around them lived - some quickly became poor, others fantastically enriched overnight. To capture what is happening, shoot movies.

In 1998, the movie "Kokki - The Running Doctor" was released. The reaction of the audience turned out to be diametrically opposite. Some scolded and branded, others recognized and admired. The next film was called The Green Elephant. By genre, the tape belongs to social satire. And again the public was divided into two camps. Baskova noted on this occasion that shocking is not the main thing for her. It is important to convey truthful information about the situation in the country to all sectors of society.

Essays on personal life

If I may say so, then Baskova's career in cinema is developing successfully. It doesn't matter at all that success sometimes borders on scandalous reviews. The main thing is that the work of Svetlana Yuryevna evokes a lively response from both allies and opponents. I must say that in the whirlwind of urgent matters, meetings, filming and travel, it is not so easy to set aside time for your personal life.

Baskova herself does not really like to talk on this topic. Admits to being married. Husband and wife belong to the same workshop - they are artists. To a large extent, they are united by a love of art. This is both good and bad. There is always a topic for conversation, but there is always a reason for scandal. There are no children in the house yet.
