Evgeniya Brik: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Evgeniya Brik: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life
Evgeniya Brik: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Evgenia Brik is a famous Russian actress. Became popular thanks to the films "The Thaw", "Vise", "Hipsters". She lives in Los Angeles with her husband and daughter. He comes to Russia only to participate in film projects.

Evgeniya Brik: biography, creativity, career, personal life
Evgeniya Brik: biography, creativity, career, personal life

Evgenia Brik made her film debut at the beginning of the 2000s. During this time, more than 30 roles were played, but the image of a Komsomol member in the film "Hipsters" brought the greatest success. Today, the actress has an established career, an army of fans and a loving husband who supports the girl in all her endeavors.


Evgenia Brick was born on September 3, 1981 in Moscow. The real name of the actress is Khirivskaya. The girl's dad was a teacher at the university, assistant professor, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences. Mom dreamed of playing on stage when two girls were born, one after the other, completely went into their upbringing. The sisters did not go to kindergarten. Eugene was named after her father's father, journalist Eugene Kerin. The younger sister's name is Valeria.

Zhenya was a long-awaited and desired child, therefore, since childhood, she did not lack love. Parents lived in harmony for twenty years until dad died. The family has always had a positive attitude towards art in all its manifestations. Parents tried to develop this love in their girls.

The very first performance of the future actress took place at the age of five at the demonstration of children's clothing in the All-Union House of Models. She was not afraid to be surrounded by strangers, she was happy to be in the spotlight. The girl felt like a real star.

During her school years, Evgenia Brik studied the piano. The knowledge gained at the music school helped her in the profession. When receiving secondary education, the emphasis was on foreign languages and mathematics. From a young age, the girl was invited to the set for crowd scenes. This helped her to determine her own preferences in the future.

The father was categorical about the desire of his child to become an actress, so Evgenia received support only from her mother. Dad assumed that when entering the theater, you could fail, and this would negatively affect the girl's self-esteem. Evgenia Brik at first agreed to connect her life with the exact sciences, but very quickly realized that she would not leave a scientist, there was too much craving for the stage. It was the first time to enter GITIS. So she ended up in the workshop of Alexander Zbruev. As a student, Eugene began to be invited to act in films.


Personal life

The actress practically does not cover her personal life. In the early 2000s, rumors began to circulate in the media about an affair with Valery Todorovsky, who was married. For a long time, the couple hid their relationship, only after the conclusion of an official union they told about their personal life. A rather solid age difference does not prevent the couple from being happy.

In 2009, the family was replenished - a girl was born, who was named Zoya. Today, husband and wife live in two countries: they work in Russia, and spend most of their time in Los Angeles. The choice fell on America for a reason. According to Eugenia, Los Angeles is a great place for a child. It is warm here all year round, clean sea air.

Evgenia notes that the goal in upbringing is that Russian is considered the daughter's mother tongue. At home, communication takes place only in the mother tongue of the parents, Zoya reads the classics in the original. When the daughter of famous parents went to an American school, she was not very good at English, so she did not immediately develop a relationship with her classmates. Zoya starred in the mystical American TV series "OA" for the Netflix channel. The girl never had a nanny, when Evgenia flies off to the shooting, her dad or grandmother stays with her.

In 2003, Khirivskaya was invited to work at the Mayak radio station. It was during this period that she decides to take her grandmother's surname as a pseudonym. This is due to the fact that the new surname is more sonorous, easy to remember.

Career and creativity

The first films, released in 2001, did not bring success to the actress. These were the pictures "Interesting Men", "Northern Lights". A good game was noticed in "Kamenskaya", "Turetsky's March". After that, many more offers began to arrive:

  • 2003 - shooting in the film "Moscow Nights". For the role of Lyalya, the actress received her first award for Best Actor's Debut.
  • 2004 - shooting of the series "Men Don't Cry".
  • 2005 - together with Konstantin Khabensky starred in the film "Philip's Bay".

The last project brings Eugenia an overwhelming success. She begins acting with Alexander Domogarov in the film "The Count of Montenegro". The next picture was "Vise". The director of the film was Valery Todorovsky, with whom the actress began an affair. A little later, thanks to the film "Hipsters" he received one of the main awards "Nika".


Subsequently, the actress took part in the filming of the following films:

  • "Proposed Circumstances";
  • "The geographer drank the globe";
  • "Dark World: Balance";
  • "Fir-trees 1914";
  • "These eyes are opposite";
  • "Friday".

In 2014, fans could see the actress's photo in the Maxim magazine, and in 2015 she took part in the filming of the video for the song Don't be silent, which was performed by Dima Bilan.

Of all the stars with whom Evgenia Brik worked, the most liked to cooperate with Konstantin Khabensky. The actress also starred in the film, in which her husband became the main director. This cooperation turned out to be successful, and in 2013 a multi-part film "The Thaw" was released. In 2016, the actress got the second leading role in the TV series "Adaptation", and a year later she took part in the filming of the film "The Optimists".
