Hitler's Wife Eva Braun: Photo

Hitler's Wife Eva Braun: Photo
Hitler's Wife Eva Braun: Photo

She was the eternal shadow of Hitler. According to historians, Eva Braun did not play any political role at all. Submissive, loyal and inconspicuous, this girl fulfilled her dream only for 1 day - to become the legal wife of the Fuhrer.

Hitler's wife Eva Braun: photo
Hitler's wife Eva Braun: photo

On February 6, 1912, Eva Braun was born in an ordinary Munich family - an unremarkable girl who was to become the main woman in the life of Adolf Hitler.

early years

In 1929, Eva was hired by the photo studio of Heinrich Hoffmann, an ideological National Socialist. For a 17-year-old girl, this was a very prestigious job for that time: she posed for photographers, helped with sales, did small errands, and also mastered photography. Eva enthusiastically gave all her time and energy to new work, often staying up late. On one of these evenings, Adolf Hitler came to see his friend Hoffmann in a photo studio. Eva did not recognize him, since the Fuhrer introduced himself by a different name, but sympathy between them arose instantly.


The next day, Heinrich Hoffmann told his young employee who exactly she had made an acquaintance with the day before, from which Eve was completely delighted.

Hitler began to visit the photo studio more and more often. He was gallant and courteous, showered the girl with compliments and openly showed his sympathy. Eve and Adolf could go to the opera or to a restaurant, but that was all. Hitler repeatedly said that he was too busy to allow himself a full-fledged romantic relationship. He was fanatically devoted to his ideas and ambitions, so any woman would be in last place for him. This is exactly what happened with Eva Braun.


The girl looked forward to every meeting with her lover, discussed in detail their relationship with her friends and passionately wanted to get closer to him. The first years of the relationship between Brown and Hitler were platonic, and only in 1931-32, presumably, passed into a more intimate stage.

Suicide or staged?

For several years, Eva remained the only girl so close to the Fuehrer. In narrow circles, everyone knew about their connection, although it was impossible to speak out loud about the novel. In the early years, there was a certain dynamic in the relationship, but at a certain point everything came to a standstill. Hitler made no further attempts to bond with Fraulein Braun, preferring occasional but regular dates. One way or another, on the night of October 10-11, 1932, Eva tried to shoot herself in her parents' house. She was found bloody and still alive, a bullet stuck in her neck, miraculously not damaging the carotid artery.


It is difficult to say what feelings guided Eve during that period, because even the testimonies of the girl's relatives are radically different. Some argued that such a decision was dictated by despair: Eve realized that relations with Adolf were not developing in any way and did not see the future, so she could no longer put up with this state of affairs. Others are convinced that the suicide was planned down to the smallest detail - from the trajectory of the bullet to the choice of the doctor, to whom Brown consulted. It is quite difficult to believe in the second version, because it is almost impossible to adjust such an injury.

One way or another, the plan worked. Hitler perceived the suicide attempt of his mistress not as cheap manipulation on her part, but as a manifestation of true devotion and loyalty. He immediately announced that from now on he would be responsible for the "child."

In the shadow of the Fuhrer

Despite the obvious rapprochement between Brown and Hitler, the girl's civil status has not changed in any way. She still lived with her parents and ran away on dates with Hitler secretly from them. If this happened at night, a business trip from a photo studio was invented in advance. The evening meetings were disguised as overtime, which made Eve's father angry.

To the public, Hitler remained a bachelor, devoted only to Germany. Every day he received dozens of letters from women from all over the country who dreamed of marrying him. However, the Fuhrer preferred not to change anything in his life and not to let anyone into it.

Meanwhile, Eva Braun was fanatically devoted to her lover. She was given a secret phone, at which she could sit for hours waiting for Adolf to call. If the cherished moment came, a car was sent for it, and it stopped not near the house itself, but a couple of blocks from it.

Hitler often went out with Eva Braun, but never alone. Instead, there was always a retinue with them, and Eve preferred to stay at the very end of the procession, mingling with the secretaries and assistants.

To again change Hitler's attitude towards herself, Eve again attempted suicide. But this time, the staging was obvious: she chose poisoning and took too little of a dose. Nevertheless, Adolf again drew attention to his mistress. This time, the result was more noticeable.

Hitler bought Eve a luxury villa in an exclusive area of Munich. The girl furnished it tastefully and often received guests there. Of course, Hitler himself was the most welcome visitor there, but he did not come there often.


And finally, Eva received a "pass" to the official residence of the Fuhrer - Berghof. Since Brown was listed in the secretary's office of the flight, she could freely enter there and be as long as she liked. However, during official events at the highest level, Eve had to retire to her room and sit there. Despite this, Eva Braun and Adolf Hitler even had some semblance of family life and everyday life, because at last they were under the same roof.

And yet, Eva Braun was destined to become Hitler's wife - for just one day. This happened on April 29, 1945, when the defeat of the Fuhrer was already inevitable. The couple committed suicide the next day. Eva passed away with pride, because she forever went down in history as Frau Hitler.
