10 Interesting Facts About Our Planet And Its Inhabitants

10 Interesting Facts About Our Planet And Its Inhabitants
10 Interesting Facts About Our Planet And Its Inhabitants

There are about 200 countries and more than 7.5 billion people in the world. It is not surprising that something interesting, funny, exciting is happening every day, which we can not even guess about. Here are some facts about our world that will surprise you.

Photo: Andrea Piacquadio / pexels
Photo: Andrea Piacquadio / pexels

There are only three countries in the world that do not use the metric system


Photo Ruler: Pixabay / pexels

For simplicity and convenience, most countries in the world use the metric system for mass or length. And only Liberia, Myanmar and the United States officially use a different system of weights and measures.

The longest place name in the world has 85 letters

Thaumatauakatangyangakoahuotamateaturipukakapikimaungahoronukupokanuenuakitanatahu is the name of a 305-meter hill located in New Zealand. Translated from the Maori language, it means "the top where Tamatea, a man with big knees climbed the mountains, swallowed the earth, who traveled and played his nose flute for his beloved."

France is the most visited country in the world


Paris Photo: Yovan Verma / pexels

France is a beautiful country filled to the brim with delicious wines, incomparable cheese and tons of romance. So it comes as no surprise that it tops the list of the most popular travel destinations according to the World Tourism Organization. So, in 2017, France received 86.9 million people. Spain became the second most popular country with 81.8 million visitors, followed by the United States (76.9 million), China (60.7 million) and Italy (58.3 million).

The lowest temperature ever recorded on Earth is -98 ° C

In July 2010, the lowest temperature on Earth was officially recorded in the eastern part of the Antarctic continent, equal to -98 ° C. Just a few breaths of air at this temperature can cause hemorrhage into the lungs and kill a person.

Four babies are born every second in the world


Baby Photo: Lisa Fotios / pexels

According to the website Ecology Global Network, the population of the Earth increases by four people every second. Having made simple mathematical calculations, you can find that about 250 children are born per minute, 15 thousand per hour, and 360 thousand per day. Thus, approximately 131.4 million babies are born on Earth every year.

Muhammad is considered the most popular name in the world

According to the British Internet publication The Independent, approximately 150 million men and boys worldwide are carriers of the name Muhammad. This popularity is due to the Muslim tradition, according to which the firstborn is named in honor of the Islamic prophet Muhammad.

There are 43 countries in the world where royal families are still preserved


British Royal Family Photo: Carfax2 / Wikimedia Commons

The British royal family may be the most famous royal family on the planet, but it is far from the only one. In total, there are 28 royal families in the world, who rule 43 countries in total, including Japan, Spain, Swaziland, Bhutan, Thailand, Monaco, Sweden, the Netherlands and Liechtenstein.

World's most expensive coin sold for over $ 7 million

In 2002, the American gold "double eagle" coin of Saint-Gaudin was auctioned at Sotheby's for a staggering $ 7,590,020. This made it the most expensive coin in the world ever sold at auction.

South Sudan is the youngest country in the world


Parrot Photo: Robert Stokoe / pexels

Some countries are hundreds of years old, and some states have more than a thousand years of history. But South Sudan, located in North Africa, gained independence from Sudan only in 2011, becoming the youngest country in the world.

Only two countries use purple in their national flags

The Nicaraguan flag features a rainbow that includes a purple stripe. The flag of Dominica boasts the image of the parrot Sisseru, whose plumage also has this shade. These two facts make the national flags of Nicaragua and Dominica the only ones to use purple in their design.