Time exists independently of human consciousness. Time counting is a convention invented by people to coordinate joint activities. The translation of the clock hands is based on economic, political, psychological and other motives.

Step 1
The globe is conventionally divided into time zones. This division is due to the rotation of the Earth around its axis. The world time standard is London - Greenwich meridian, also called "zero". A number of hours are counted from the time in London, depending on which time zone you are in.
Step 2
They talk about geographic and administrative time zones. The geographic zone reflects the time "according to Greenwich Mean Time", the administrative one takes into account the laws adopted in the given area on the issue of time counting. If the law establishes the transition to winter and summer time, the "indications" of the geographic and administrative zones will differ.
Step 3
The Russians lived according to the winter-summer time system until the spring of 2011. On the last weekend of October, they turned the hands back an hour, and on Monday, thus, they could sleep a little longer. On the last Sunday in March, this hour returned, it was necessary to again adapt to summer time.
Step 4
Dmitry Medvedev by the decree "On the calculation of time", adopted on June 3, 2011, canceled the practice of switching to summer and winter time. Thus, on March 26-27, 2011, the Russians changed their clocks for the last time, and now live according to "summer" time.
Step 5
In the translation of hours, politicians and economists looked for benefits, with an emphasis on reducing energy consumption. Indeed, it would seem that the longer the active daylight hours, the less electricity “burns out” for lighting. To some extent, this is so, but the benefit is only apparent. According to Aleksey Skopin, head of the Department of Regional Economics at the Higher School of Economics, due to the transition to winter and summer time, labor productivity in people decreases, and therefore Russia is losing up to 10% of GDP.
Step 6
Not only productivity suffers when translating watches, but also the health and well-being of people in general. After all, it is much more difficult to "translate" the internal biological clock by the "command" of consciousness than a simple mechanism. Such a significant change in the rhythm of life is a serious stress for the body and provokes disruptions in its work.
Step 7
So, on the one hand, the abolition of the seasonal transfer of arrows is a positive phenomenon, which should have had a good effect on the well-being of citizens and the well-being of the country. There is one big but: perhaps, it was not “summer”, but “winter” time that had to be made the main and permanent one. First, a person would be able to get up when it is more light. Secondly, electricity consumption would decrease, and this not only saves resources, but also cares about the environment. And thirdly, the geographic zone would be "equal" to the administrative one. However, the disputes between scientists and economists on this issue are still ongoing.