Vasily Stalin's Wife: Photo

Vasily Stalin's Wife: Photo
Vasily Stalin's Wife: Photo

The youngest son of Joseph Stalin, Vasily, was married 4 times. His inconsistent, hot-tempered and quarrelsome nature did not allow the creation of normal family relationships and sooner or later led to a break. Drunkenness, which gradually turned into chronic alcoholism, also interfered with their life together. Vasily died alone, before he reached the age of 50; the personal life of his ex-wives after parting was also not happy.

Vasily Stalin's wife: photo
Vasily Stalin's wife: photo

First marriage: Galina Burdonskaya

Vasily Stalin, who lost his mother early, was brought up exclusively in a male environment. The father spoiled his son, but did not have much love for him, preferring his youngest daughter Nadezhda. Vasily grew up in an atmosphere of permissiveness and an acute lack of maternal affection. Maybe. That is why all his life he was looking for the unattainable - a woman who would love him unconditionally. With all the cons, flaws and problems. By the way, the son of the leader had more than enough problems, it was not easy to get along with him.

The first wife of Vasily was the blonde beauty Galina Burdonskaya. A slender, athletic blonde with the appearance of a movie star was the daughter of a chauffeur from the Kremlin garage. Her origin is shrouded in mystery: one of Galina's ancestors was an officer in the Napoleonic army. Such a pedigree was not considered ideal for the daughter-in-law of the Kremlin leader, but there was still no particular crime in origin. Galina's parents belonged to the workers and the intelligentsia, she herself received a good education and upbringing.

Vasily got married very early. He was barely 20 years old, the young bride was a year younger. The marriage was concluded in 1940, the couple lived together for 4 years, and then separated by mutual agreement. There were several reasons. Among the main ones are Vasily's quarrelsome character and beginning alcoholism. However, some historians believe that there was no official divorce, the couple broke up, but in fact Vasily and Galina remained husband and wife. This state of affairs put the other three wives at an unofficial disadvantage.


During the years of marriage, two children were born: son Alexander and daughter Nadezhda. Photos of happy parents with a plump firstborn were published in newspapers and magazines, outwardly the family seemed completely prosperous. However, even after parting, information about life together remained a secret, Galina preferred not to share personal memories. It is known that she left the family, leaving the children with their father. The woman was able to see them only after Stalin's death.

Second wife: Ekaterina Timoshenko

After the departure of his first wife, Vasily lived in the position of a lonely father for no more than a year. Already in 1946, he married Yekaterina Timoshenko, daughter of Marshal, associate of Joseph Stalin. Life together was traditionally short, the marriage broke up in 1949.


Catherine gave birth to two children, whose fate was sad. The daughter did not live to be 50 years old, and the son committed suicide at the age of 23. Contemporaries noted that he was very similar to his father, but suffered not from alcoholism, but from drug addiction. Probably, the decision to die was made by him under the influence of illegal drugs.

Third marriage: Kapitolina Vasilyeva

Vasily met a bright brunette who bore the exotic name Kapitolina immediately after another divorce. The girl was the USSR champion in swimming, she was distinguished by her spectacular appearance and strong character. Kapitolina was 2 years older than Vasily, by the time she met she was married, divorced and had a little daughter.


Vasily adopted baby Lina, giving her the surname Dzhugashvili. At first, the relationship between the spouses was not bad, but after a while Kapitolina began to get tired of the endless feasts. Frequent absences from her husband and persistent alcohol problems. The marriage predictably exhausted itself after 4 years and ended in divorce.

Fourth wife: Maria Nusberg

The last wife of Vasily was sharply different from the spectacular, beautiful and successful first wives. She was 9 years younger than her husband, had an unsuccessful marriage and worked as a nurse. Perhaps this marriage was a gesture of despair, an attempt to somehow gain a foothold in life and find a reliable rear. The union was concluded in 1962, by this time Vasily was deprived of many privileges, his health was destroyed under the influence of an unhealthy lifestyle and chronic alcoholism.


It is difficult to say how successful the last marriage of the leader's son could have been. A few months later, Vasily Stalin died at the age of 41. He had no children with his last wife, but Vasily managed to adopt two of Maria's daughters from a previous marriage. Tatiana and Lyudmila retained the new surname of Dzhugashvili after the death of their stepfather.

The fate of Vasily Stalin combined ups and downs, absolute omnipotence and oblivion, cheerful company and chronic illness. On his way, he met beautiful women: beautiful, strong, faithful. However, the son of the leader could not build a family with any of them, even the children did not strengthen the relationship. Despite unsuccessful marriages. Former wives did not conceal the evil of a not famous, but unlucky husband, and his own and adopted sons and daughters remembered him fondly.