What Is A Welfare State

What Is A Welfare State
What Is A Welfare State

With the development of a civilized society and law, the formation of a social state becomes possible. It is characterized by a number of features that distinguish it from other social systems.

What is a welfare state
What is a welfare state

The concept of the welfare state

A social state is a state governed by the rule of law with a developed civil society, which is based on the principles of equality and freedom, supra-class, social justice and ensures social human rights.

The legal state and the social state constitute a single whole, since the development of the legal system is possible only within a civilized society, and the ordering and development of social relations occurs under the influence of the legal system. The main task of the welfare state is to ensure both social and economic rights, including: the right to work and fair working conditions for all citizens, a decent living wage, social security, etc.

Signs of a welfare state

The welfare state is supra-class, which means its focus on the organization of normal life and the development of society as a whole, the protection of human rights, the observance of the freedoms and legitimate interests of all citizens and peoples. Such a political system allows you to avoid social tension.

Also, the welfare state is characterized by the presence of a developed civil society, which creates material wealth and other values. It is such a society that forms the basis for the existence and development of a civilized state with a democratic regime of power.

In a country with a developed society, there are no unjustified social differences, the state apparatus provides decent conditions for the existence of citizens, provides the population with social protection, produces and distributes economic benefits equally for all citizens. There is free economic activity in the state, but at the same time it is regulated by law in the interests of the whole society.

In the social state, the so-called "middle class" arises and develops, which is a part of society that is provided for to the extent that it does not feel the need for the necessary, but also not rich enough to allow itself excess. This factor is by no means negative, since the existence of a "middle class" is a guarantee of high production and economic stability in the country, sufficient per capita earnings, low unemployment and compliance with legal norms.
