How To Tell About Yourself At A Competition (casting)?

How To Tell About Yourself At A Competition (casting)?
How To Tell About Yourself At A Competition (casting)?

Telling yourself about yourself at a competition or casting is a good opportunity to show yourself to the public from your best side. At this moment, it is important not to get confused, maintain composure and be truly sincere and open. The ideal story should present your strengths and identities.

How to tell about yourself at a competition (casting)?
How to tell about yourself at a competition (casting)?

How to write your presentation text

In order to present yourself in a beautiful and original way, you should prepare in advance. The text of the future presentation should be written on paper in advance and carried with you, since an interesting idea can come to mind almost at any time. When drafting the text of the presentation, first of all, you should take into account that it should be rather short, but at the same time informative. Remember that the story should characterize you, and not some abstract girl. Think about what sets you apart from others, what unique characteristics and qualities you have.

When talking about your strengths, the main thing is not to be shy, but at the same time, you should not cross the fine line of bragging.

When talking about your advantages, do not be empty talk, support your statements with short stories from your life, it is good if they make you smile. You can also talk about your plans for the near future and what you have already achieved.

Even the most standard content of your performance can be emphasized by the original form of presentation, for example, if you write poetry, rhyme the text of your performance, and if it speaks about your ability to dance or sing well, back up your words with deeds, perform a small piece of a beautiful dance or song. Such surprises, as a rule, are well received by viewers, and also immediately distinguish you from other contenders.

You should not memorize the prepared text of the presentation strictly by heart, then during the speech you will look extremely unnatural. Rather, the written text should serve as a kind of guideline that you can adhere to during your speech. You might want to change it, focusing on new information, or just embellish it a little by adding a sparkling joke that just came to your mind.

How to tell about yourself at the competition

When talking about yourself in the competition, it is important to maintain your composure, while remaining as sincere and open as possible.

While talking about yourself, do not forget to use the main weapon of any girl - a smile that can melt the heart of any, even the most strict audience.

Speak clearly, distinctly and loudly, try not to rush, but also not to tighten your words. Avoid monotony, practice speaking with proper intonation beforehand. If in everyday life you like to gesticulate, do not forbid yourself to do so during the performance, as this will give you uniqueness and help the audience to remember.