A biometric passport, which is also called a new generation passport, is a document on the basis of which a citizen of the Russian Federation can travel abroad. The Federal Migration Service is in charge of issuing such passports.

Where to get a passport
The official name of the passport, which is usually called biometric, is a foreign passport with an electronic data carrier. This, in turn, reflects the fact that this document contains a special plastic module, in which all the basic information about the passport holder is recorded in a machine-readable form. At the same time, such a module simultaneously performs the function of the main page of the passport, on which these data are applied in an ordinary printed form.
The issuance of foreign passports with an electronic carrier of information, which are also sometimes called new passports, according to the current legislation, is carried out by the branches of the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation. At the same time, a citizen of our country can apply for the issuance of a passport either to the territorial department of the FMS, corresponding to the place of his permanent registration, or to any other department of the FMS.
This can be convenient, for example, if a person is on a long business trip or, for one reason or another, does not live at the place of registration. However, it should be borne in mind that in this case it will take much longer to wait for the preparation of the document: for example, if when contacting the place of permanent registration this period is 1 month, then when contacting another department of the FMS - 4 months.
How to get a passport
In order to obtain a biometric foreign passport, the specialist of the FMS department where you apply, you need to provide a completed application form, which can be downloaded from the official website of the organization. Here you will need to indicate all basic information about yourself, including previous and current places of work, date and place of birth, and other information.
Such a statement will need to attach a receipt for payment of the state duty for the issuance of a foreign passport with an electronic carrier of information, which currently amounts to 2,500 rubles. If at the time of filing an application for the issuance of a biometric passport, the old foreign passport is still valid, it will also need to be attached to the package of documents submitted to the FMS department. In addition, at the time of application, you will need to present a civil passport.
But most of the FMS offices currently take a photo for a new-type international passport on their own - when the applicant applies for the issue of a document, and this service is included in the amount of the state fee. Therefore, as a rule, you do not need to bring a photo with you to issue such a passport. However, this point should be clarified directly in the FMS department where you plan to submit documents. After submitting documents, you need to wait for the statutory deadline and get a passport at the same FMS office.