How Is The Registration Of A Newborn

How Is The Registration Of A Newborn
How Is The Registration Of A Newborn

Registering a newborn child at the place of residence of one or both parents is a mandatory procedure, which should be carried out as soon as possible without delay. After all, it is the document confirming registration that provides the basis for issuing a baby's medical policy, receiving benefits and payments, as well as for subsequent enrollment in a preschool institution.

How is the registration of a newborn
How is the registration of a newborn

The very first document of a little man will be a birth certificate, which you will receive at the registry office. The second step is registration on a certain living space. This is a fairly simple procedure if you know its basic principles.


A specific time allotted for the registration of a newborn is not established in the legislation. However, despite all the difficulties associated with the emergence of a new family member, it is worth gaining strength and allocating time to resolve all the "paper" issues as quickly as possible. It is also worth noting that there are no penalties for slowness and missed deadlines.


The procedure for registering a newborn involves the provision of a package of documents:

• general civil passports of father and mother;

• birth certificate of the child;

• a statement from the parent, drawn up in a certain form;

• written consent of the other parent for registration. This is done if the place of residence of the father and mother is different. Then it is also necessary to confirm that the child was not registered at the address of the other parent;

• a document confirming the marriage between the parents.

It is necessary to immediately prepare and photocopies of all the listed documents, they will certainly come in handy. It should be noted that the procedure for registering a newborn is free, i.e. there are no state fees for the service.

The deadline for the execution of an application for registration is minimal. After the completion of the procedure, in the passport of each parent in the column "Children" the employees of the passport office put down a corresponding mark.

Features of registration of newborns

The procedure for registering babies has certain differences that must be taken into account:

• You can register your baby only with mom or dad. Family legislation of the Russian Federation establishes that children under 16 must live exclusively with their parents, therefore, registration at the address of their grandmother, grandfather, other relatives or acquaintances is impossible;

• the decision to register a newborn does not depend on the norms established by the Housing Legislation. In other words, even if there are not enough square meters for the baby, he will still be registered at the address;

• the procedure is simplified, i.e. it does not require the consent of the owner. If the parents live in the same square, the mother's will is enough. But when the places of residence of the parents are different, consent from both is required;

• the procedure for registering a newborn takes place at the passport office, no additional visits to the authorities are provided.
