The House Committee is a voluntary public association of citizens in one place of residence with the aim of jointly resolving emerging problems in the field of housing, public control over the technical operation of houses and the maintenance of the area around the house. There are several requirements for creating a house committee. Only if you follow them will you get an effective and active body.

Step 1
Choose an initiative group. To do this, hold a meeting of all residents of the house, be sure to attend at least half of them. Draw up the minutes of the meeting, indicating the main areas of activity, the name of the house committee, the proposed powers, the territory of action and the number of participants. Using an open vote, select an initiative group that will represent the organization in the local council.
Step 2
Next, get a permit to form a house committee. For this, the initiative group must submit documents to the local council: minutes of the meeting, an application for the creation of a house committee, a list of committee members indicating all the necessary personal data. The local council, in the presence of the initiative group, will make a decision on allowing or prohibiting the creation of a house committee and issue a corresponding document.
Step 3
After receiving the document, draw up a committee charter and select leadership. To do this, hold a second meeting and adopt the Regulation on the House Committee, that is, the charter, which you will be guided by in the process of your activities. In it, indicate the name and address of the committee, the direction of activity, the territory of its action, the rights and obligations of the members, the term of office of the house committee, the procedure for reporting, and so on. Select the chairman of the house committee, his deputy, secretary and other members by secret ballot.
Step 4
And finally, legalize the house committee. Do this either by simply notifying the executive committee in writing about the founding of the committee, or by registering. In the second case, your house committee will acquire the status of a legal entity. To do this, select authorized persons who will submit documents requesting registration of the house committee to the executive committee. Indicate in all documents only real data, since the executive committee has the right to check them at any time. After submitting the documents, the executive committee will make a decision within a month and notify it to the authorized persons of the house committee. After receiving the registration document, you can safely start your activities.