Bozena Rynska: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Bozena Rynska: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life
Bozena Rynska: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Bozena Rynska is a well-known scandalous socialite, correspondent, journalist, blogger, writer. In his publications, he often writes lies, disregarding the norms of morality and ethics. In pursuit of fame, wanting to stand out, she became famous for the scandals with Nikita Dzhigurda, Olga Buzova, Ksenia Sobchak and other famous personalities.

Bozena Rynska
Bozena Rynska

The childhood of the future journalist

Bozena Rynska - a pseudonym, real name and surname - Evgenia Rynska. She was born on January 20, 1975 in Leningrad, half-Russian, half-Jewish by nationality Bozhena Rynska. Mother, Alla Konstantinovna - mathematics teacher, Russian. Father, Lev Isaakovich - an electrician, a Jew by nationality. The parents divorced when the girl was still in school. In 1989, my father left for America (Toledo) to distribute the Jewish community, since then he has been absent from Bozena's life. Her relationship with her mother also did not work out, her parents seemed to be excluded from her life. The girl lived her childhood in her hometown.


Bozena Rynska, at the insistence of her mother, graduated from the physics and mathematics school No. 239. But my heart was not in mathematical sciences, and after graduation, dreaming of becoming a journalist, she got a job at the Smena newspaper. Her expectations were not met, the work of a journalist turned out to be gray, boring and very difficult. At the age of seventeen, leaving everything, she went to America, to her father in Toledo. The father at that time lived on benefits, could not support his daughter, in general, in the United States of America, the future journalist received an unpleasant experience, but she fell in love with this country very much. Returning to Russia, back to her homeland, she decided to try herself in another profession, submitting documents to the Leningrad Institute of Theater, Music and Cinematography, to the directing department. After graduating from college, the actress with great ambitions was able to get only a small episode in the TV series "Streets of Broken Lanterns." It did not work out to become a director, therefore, seeing no prospects in her hometown, Rynska went to conquer the capital.


Bozena's career

Moving to the capital was a turning point in the life of a journalist. Her creative career began to skyrocket.

In two thousand and three, Bozhena Rynska started working as a freelance correspondent for the Kommersant newspaper.

In two thousand and four, she moved to the Izvestia newspaper, in which she led the section of the gossip column for five years.

In two thousand and eighth - the writer published the book "Thank God, I'm a VIP!", In which she frankly and without hesitation described the Moscow get-together.

In two thousand and nine - he leads his column in the online edition Bozhene has become very popular with her blog in Women's Magazine, which she maintains under the pseudonym "becky-sharpe". He expresses his opinion without hesitation. The blogger's nickname is the name of the heroine of the novel Vanity Fair, who makes her name in a secular society, just like Bozena in modern society.


Scandalous career

In one of the television programs "Midnighter" presenter Vladimir Molchanov had to prevent a fight between Bozhena and Nikita Dzhigurda. Leading a calm conversation about the glamorous life, the actor accused the writer of not behaving like a socialite at all, insulting everyone and everything. To which the blogger wanted to pour boiling water on him directly on the air.

A similar incident occurred on the air of the "Forecasts" television program. The scandalous correspondent, interrupting the star of "House-2" Olga Buzova, did not want to give her the floor, throwing phrases like "Someone else will interrupt me here!" As a result, Rynska suppressed Buzova with her perseverance and turned everyone's attention to herself.

In the fall of two thousand and thirteen, another unpleasant situation occurred with the participation of a socialite. Law enforcement agencies in the capital reported that Rynska and her husband Malashenko Igor Evgenievich beat an independent television journalist and took away the microphone. After eight months of litigation, Bozena was found guilty of assaulting a correspondent, sentenced to one year of correctional labor, and withholding ten percent of her income to the state treasury.

The most scandalous was her publication, connected with the Tu-154 plane crash over the Black Sea in two thousand and sixteen, where she rejoiced at the death of the TV channel workers and thanked God for it. The reaction of the indignant population of Russia and not only followed immediately, people signed a petition to deprive a blogger of Russian citizenship for her statements, pasted photographs of dead correspondents on the windows of her apartment and posted posts on the Internet on this burning topic.


Personal life of a blogger

In her younger years, Bozena Rynska often changed her beloved men. In two thousand and twelve, a serious man appeared, a Russian media manager and political scientist Malashenko Igor Evgenievich. He was born on October 2, 1954 in Moscow, in the family of a military man, graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy and postgraduate studies at Moscow State University. Malashenko served as general director of the Ostankino TV and radio company, and also headed NTV-Holding and RTVi. From two thousand and nine, he worked for the Inter TV company. He led the headquarters of Ksenia Sobchak in the presidential elections in Russia in two thousand and eighteen. For the sake of Bozhena, Igor Evgenievich left his wife and two children (they live in America). The couple lived together for over five years. Recently, the couple lived separately, Bozena in Moscow, her husband in Spain. At the end of February 2019, Igor Malashenko was found dead in his home in Spain. Bozena Rynski tried to get hold of children for several years, but to no avail.
