What And How Rospotrebnadzor Checks

What And How Rospotrebnadzor Checks
What And How Rospotrebnadzor Checks

Table of contents:


Rospotrebnadzor is a federal service established in 2004 in the course of administrative reform. It was created with the aim of protecting consumer rights and monitoring various spheres of life.

Rospotrebnadzor is a public service that has existed since 2004
Rospotrebnadzor is a public service that has existed since 2004


Step 1

Rospotrebnadzor now performs the functions of previously existing services: State Trade Inspection, State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision. The powers extend to the areas of trade, catering, hygiene and sanitation. The service should monitor compliance with sanitary legislation, compliance with regulations related to the protection of consumer rights, control the sale of goods and the provision of various services.

Step 2

Rospotrebnadzor carries out inspections of business entities. These visits of the service are planned or completely unexpected. Other state organizations can participate in the raid: Gospozhnadzor, Gosvetnadzor, Gosstandart. The purpose of inspections is to identify violations of business activities, violation of the quality of the goods and services provided.

Step 3

Scheduled inspections are carried out every three years, and for medical organizations - once every two years. Rospotrebnadzor prepares a list of organizations that will be checked in the coming year and posts it on the official website of the regional prosecutor's office. If the check is scheduled, then the organization is notified of the upcoming visit three working days in advance. The head of the enterprise or the relevant official receives a copy of the order or order for inspection. The entire event to identify violations lasts no more than 20 days. Only in exceptional cases is the inventory extended for the same period.

Step 4

As for unscheduled inspections, the organization will find out about them in 24 hours. A sudden visit by an auditor can be triggered by: violation of the law, non-compliance with previously prescribed norms and acts, complaints from the population whose rights have been violated, harm to the health of a citizen or a group of citizens, man-made or natural emergencies.

Step 5

Representatives of Rospotrebnadzor during their visit must provide an inspection order, their certificates. The order is considered the main document, which gives the right to check. Make sure it is authentic and complete. It must contain information: about the checking service (name, legal address); the names of the auditors and experts themselves; the name of the legal entity or the name of the individual entrepreneur where the check is taking place; goals, timing, legal basis for the event; a list of the organization's documents required to achieve the set goals and objectives of the audit.