How To Make A Choice

How To Make A Choice
How To Make A Choice

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Choosing one of several alternative options is not an easy task that, sadly enough, has to be faced on a daily basis. It is also difficult to make a choice because often months, or even years, pass before we understand whether it was right or not.

Imagine for a second how easy life would be if you could always make the right choice
Imagine for a second how easy life would be if you could always make the right choice


Step 1

First of all, decide for yourself that no matter how difficult the choice is, you will try to resolve this issue as quickly as possible. You can delay making a decision indefinitely, but almost never this does not relieve you of the need to still dwell on one of the options. But the choice made intuitively, in the first minutes, often turns out to be correct.

Step 2

When faced with difficult choices, a good old-fashioned remedy can help - weigh the pros and cons. Take the time to make a list on paper for clarity, and fill in both columns honestly. Just one extra point in one of them can already tell you what to do in this situation.

Step 3

Trust your intuition. Listen to yourself and admit honestly, what do you want to do? You can experiment - flip a coin, let the "heads" and "tails" correspond to the options to which you are leaning. When the coin falls and it becomes clear which one you got - analyze what feelings you are experiencing, disappointment or relief? Proceeding from this, make your choice - practice shows that the inner voice makes mistakes much less often.
