What Is Postal Code

What Is Postal Code
What Is Postal Code

The Federal Law of the Russian Federation entitled "On Postal Service" defines a postal code as a conventional designation of an address that is assigned to an object belonging to a postal service.

What is postal code
What is postal code

A postal code is a sequence of numbers or letters (in some countries) that is added to a postal address in order to facilitate sorting of incoming mail. At the moment, most of the national postal companies use zip codes to significantly speed up their work.

It is worth noting that without the index, the letter will still find its guarantor, however, writing simple numbers can speed up this process. Moreover, most online stores and other delivery projects will not be able to serve you well without knowing your index. The postal code also helps to quickly identify the locality to which the goods need to be delivered. In most cases, after entering such a code, half of the address is filled in automatically, which is also very convenient.

For the first time postal codes appeared in the Soviet Union in the thirties. At that time, they had a slightly different designation: a number, a letter, and then again a number. In the sixties, a simpler and more reliable system was developed in Germany, which gradually developed and spread throughout Europe, and then passed to other states. Currently, postal codes are present in 192 countries around the world.