The quality of medical services in Russia has not yet reached the level of world standards. Birth certificates provide financial incentives for obstetricians-gynecologists, perinatologists and pediatricians. Doctors receive a salary increase and become more attentive to expectant mothers and their babies.

All pregnant women in Russia have the right to receive a birth certificate. It was created to improve the services provided to women during the period of pregnancy, childbirth and supervision of a newborn baby up to one year old.
The funds allocated for the certificate (11 thousand rubles) are not issued to the woman in labor, but transferred to the accounts of medical institutions. For this, there are 3 coupons, which are canceled in stages, as the pregnant woman turns to city and rural state hospitals.
Where to get your hands on a generic certificate
The document is issued at the municipal antenatal clinic on the condition that the woman is registered with her in the early stages of pregnancy. You need to be observed for at least 12 weeks.
For women who have not registered, a certificate is issued at the maternity hospital. Ticket number 1, intended for antenatal clinics, will be canceled.
If, for whatever reason, the woman in the maternity hospital did not receive the document, then it is issued in the clinic when doctors begin to observe the newborn child. At the same time, coupons №№ 1-2 are canceled, and the funds go only to the accounts of the children's hospital.
In the case when a woman pays for the maintenance of pregnancy and childbirth herself, the certificate is not given, it is canceled.
When to get a generic certificate
The expectant young mother is issued a certificate for a period of 30 weeks, with the exception of multiple pregnancies. A heroine mother can obtain the documents necessary for childbirth at the 28th week of pregnancy. In principle, as mentioned above, the certificate is obtained at any stage: in the antenatal clinic, in the maternity hospital and in the clinic.
To do this, you will need the following documents: a Russian passport or a residence permit for stateless residents of Russia, a medical policy, SNILS and an exchange card.
The card is received at the antenatal clinic. A pregnant woman needs to have the entire list of documents with her. They should be prepared in advance so that everything you need is at hand.
The Government of the Russian Federation has issued birth certificates to encourage workers in maternity hospitals, perinatal centers, and antenatal clinics. The funds received by municipal medical institutions are used to raise staff salaries, as well as to purchase medicines and food for women in labor.
If the quality of medical care does not suit the woman in labor, the maternity hospital may not receive the due payment on its account. All services that a woman wants to receive in addition to the main ones are paid for by her.