Who Can Be Considered A Citizen Of Russia

Who Can Be Considered A Citizen Of Russia
Who Can Be Considered A Citizen Of Russia

Citizen - this concept has a lot of meanings and statuses, and which of them a person chooses as a priority for himself, this is only his business and his choice. Someone perceives this word only from a legal point of view, and someone as a high rank in terms of patriotism.

Who can be considered a citizen of Russia
Who can be considered a citizen of Russia

The word "citizen" is used by every person almost every day, but often no meaning is put into it, and sometimes it is uttered in a joking manner. In fact, this word and concept is of great importance, and many of them take their roots from ancient times. For example, in ancient Rome, only high-ranking members of society could be called that. With the passage of time and changes in human thinking, this concept has lost its former priority and significance, but, nevertheless, it has not become less significant. Most often in the modern world, it is used in pretentious or congratulatory speeches or, unfortunately, during legal proceedings.

The legal meaning of the word "citizen"

From a legal point of view, the word "citizen" means, first of all, that a person is a full-fledged resident of the country, has a number of advantages over foreigners on its territory, in addition, certain obligations are imposed on him - payment of taxes, compliance with the rules of the law.

The constitutional obligations of a citizen of Russia include respect for the law and the rights of other citizens, caring for the younger and older generations of the state, paying taxes established by the relevant regulatory documents, obtaining basic education, protecting the Fatherland and protecting its cultural, natural resources and wealth.

The patriotic meaning of the concept of "citizen"

In addition to the right to reside in a particular country, citizenship also means the presence of patriotism - respect for the history of the state, its cultural values and traditions, reverence for the memory of ancestors and love for one's land, country, in a word, Motherland.

It is impossible to learn to be a patriot and show similar feelings to the place of your birth and residence. It is important to understand what it means to be part of a great power, one of its little particles, which is the basis of the state. It is impossible to put such feelings and concepts into the thinking of a person from outside. The feeling of patriotism is instilled from the first day of life, absorbed with new knowledge in history lessons, with an understanding of what great deeds were accomplished by the ancestors and what great victories they won with the name of the Motherland on their lips.

Which of the contemporaries can be considered a citizen of Russia

In the modern world, citizenship is defined not only as a legal concept. In order to be a full-fledged citizen of society, it is not enough just to live on the territory of Russia, you need to be an active participant in its social life, know the history of the state well and be able to adequately assess the situation in it at the moment. Many of Russians have a negative attitude towards those of their compatriots who seek to obtain the right to live in another country, simultaneously with Russian citizenship, considering such an act a sign of lack of patriotism, and therefore love for their homeland, its roots, or as an attempt to prepare the way for departure in case of serious problems on its territory. And in some ways, true patriots, of course, are right.