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Why Excommunicated

Why Excommunicated

Excommunication is a measure of punishment for believers found in some religious denominations, for example, Christianity, Judaism, etc. The procedure involves excommunication from church rites or expulsion from the Church as such. Excommunication (excommunication) can be conditionally divided into two categories:

Patriarch Filaret: Saint Or Schismatic

Patriarch Filaret: Saint Or Schismatic

Today Patriarch Filaret is called differently. A talented priest who has made a fast-paced career, or an impostor, whose ambitions have caused the schism of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. At birth in 1929, he received the name of Mikhail Antonovich Denisenko

Russian Orthodox Saints: List

Russian Orthodox Saints: List

Since ancient times, faith has been an integral part of the spiritual life of an Orthodox person. An example of fortitude, courage, and humility of the saints of the Russian land gave him hope for prosperity even in the most difficult times

Jenne Great Mosque: Features Of The Structure

Jenne Great Mosque: Features Of The Structure

The small town of Jenne is considered the oldest not only in the Republic of Mali, but throughout the entire west of the continent. The town did not receive any special development. Further French colonization of Mali did not bring benefits to civilization

How To Do Namaz

How To Do Namaz

One of the main requirements of Islam is regular prayer. This is the name of a strictly regulated order of prayer. It is prescribed to turn to Allah five times a day - at dawn, at noon, in the afternoon, at the end of the day and at night. It is believed that a Muslim who correctly performs prayers is forgiven all minor sins

How To Become A Muslim

How To Become A Muslim

Islam - one of the world's religions - translated means "obedience", "surrender to God." Islam was formed in the 12th century in the sermons of the Prophet Muhammad. Currently, a fairly large number of girls living in the Russian Federation want to become Muslim

What Is A Prayer Of Permission At A Funeral Service

What Is A Prayer Of Permission At A Funeral Service

In Christian liturgical practice, there are many different types of church services. They accompany a person from the moment of birth until death. On their last journey, Christians accompany their relatives to the funeral service. In this rite, the main prayer is the prayer of permission

How To Light Candles In A Temple

How To Light Candles In A Temple

Candlesticks symbolize spiritual height, and the illumination of the entire temple is Divine light. A burning candle speaks of cleansing, and wax "melting" under the flame of a candle characterizes a person's compliance to faith. The fire of the lamps burning in the temple symbolizes love for God and neighbor

What Is A Church Cathedral

What Is A Church Cathedral

During the Soviet era, the history of religion was often overlooked. Now changes are taking place, for example, according to new educational programs, schoolchildren can study this subject already in the fourth grade. Adults, on the other hand, are guided by self-education

How To Find A Good Healer And Clairvoyant

How To Find A Good Healer And Clairvoyant

Sometimes life poses difficult problems when the usual methods of problem solving do not work. At such moments, you may want to turn to a healer or a clairvoyant, but how to find a good specialist, and not a charlatan? Where to find a healer?

How Porcelain Figurines Are Made

How Porcelain Figurines Are Made

The graceful porcelain figurines delight with their beauty - but their cost sometimes goes off scale. And this is not surprising. After all, even a serial figurine is a handmade thing, the manufacture of which sometimes takes more than one day of painstaking work for the masters

Mary's Standing As A Special Lenten Service

Mary's Standing As A Special Lenten Service

Great Lent is a time of special penitential services in the Orthodox Church. This is no coincidence, because the Holy Forty-Years set a person to repentance. The naming of the Lenten service "Mary's standing" is more popular than the statutory one

How Is The Rite Of The Burial Of The Mother Of God Performed In Orthodox Churches

How Is The Rite Of The Burial Of The Mother Of God Performed In Orthodox Churches

The Feast of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos is one of the twelve great Orthodox celebrations called twelve. In addition to the divine service dedicated directly to the Assumption of the Mother of God, in many Orthodox churches there is also a special rite of the Burial of the Most Holy Theotokos

What Are The Socio-economic Consequences Of Unemployment

What Are The Socio-economic Consequences Of Unemployment

Unemployment is one of the most pressing problems of any society built on the principles of a free market. But to a greater extent, this phenomenon affects the economies of transition type, which are characterized by the formation of labor and labor markets

What Professions Are Suitable For What Sign Of The Zodiac

What Professions Are Suitable For What Sign Of The Zodiac

The choice of a profession in some cases turns out to be very difficult. This is especially true for people who are interested in several areas of activity at once. Your zodiac sign can tell you which profession to choose. Professions for the first six characters Aries are suitable for activities that require a quick reaction and involve significant physical activity

What Is The Meaning Of A Wedding

What Is The Meaning Of A Wedding

The wedding is one of the seven Orthodox church sacraments that believers can start. Otherwise, the wedding is called a church marriage, in which the newlyweds testify to their love before God. A wedding is not only a very beautiful and solemn divine service

Ulm Münster: The History Of The Construction Of The Cathedral

Ulm Münster: The History Of The Construction Of The Cathedral

The small German town of Ulm with a population of 120 thousand people, located on the Danube, in southern Germany, is famous for its history. It is considered one of the most ancient cities in Europe, has existed since 854. This city is home to the world's tallest oldest Lutheran cathedral, the spire of which has risen 161 meters

How To Think About God

How To Think About God

There are many parables about the futile attempts of man to understand the mystery of the existence of God in any of His incarnations. Nevertheless, these attempts not only do not stop, but often become the reason and motive for maintaining the faith and staying in a religious environment

Is It Possible To Go To Church During Menstruation

Is It Possible To Go To Church During Menstruation

Attending a temple and church services imposes certain rules of conduct on parishioners. But you need to be able to distinguish the church charter from simple superstitions and a false interpretation of Scripture. When Temple Visit Is Not Allowed For many people, visiting the temple is an opportunity for repentance, prayer, requests and strengthening of strength

Is It Possible To Receive Communion During Critical Days

Is It Possible To Receive Communion During Critical Days

The Christian Church has never denied the difference between a man and a woman. For the modern world, which seeks to erase these differences, this approach often becomes a pretext for accusations of "discrimination on the basis of gender