How Not To Pay For A Broken Item In A Store

How Not To Pay For A Broken Item In A Store
How Not To Pay For A Broken Item In A Store

A situation where a customer in a store can inadvertently drop and break an item can happen to anyone. The question arises: "Who will be responsible for the product if it is broken or damaged by accident?"

Broken goods
Broken goods

Broken goods

It is not uncommon for shoppers to accidentally crash (drop) items in stores. How to proceed in such cases? Who should be responsible for this item? The buyer did not buy it, and it is considered the property of the store. Each case should be dealt with separately. There are situations when the buyer does not have to be responsible for what he broke, even though the store suffered a loss, for example: the buyer accidentally broke a bottle due to the narrow aisle between the shelves with the goods. In this case, the administration violated certain standards that are set in order to make the buyer comfortable. Nothing should prevent him from freely approaching the goods.

Broken item in a store
Broken item in a store

In this case, he is not obliged to be responsible for the broken goods and to compensate for the damage. But, if the buyer picked up the same bottle. Then he grabbed a few more pieces and dropped one of them, then he must answer for it - this is a different situation. But there is one caveat. Even if the product is broken or damaged through the fault of the buyer, but he believes that this happened due to an incorrect layout, for example, he can offer the store administration to go to court. Usually, if the damage is less than a thousand rubles, the shops do not contact the courts.

Broken item in a store
Broken item in a store


Many buyers are very fond of various promotions and know everything about them.


They know that if there is a promotion in a store, and a check is knocked out at the checkout, in which the price is higher, then the buyer is not obliged to pay at this price. In this case, the law of sale and purchase is violated (Article 500 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). A promotion is a condition of a contract between a buyer and a seller. The buyer pays for what he saw under the product. If a check with a higher price is knocked out to him, then the difference in price must be returned. The cashier may say that the employees did not have time to remove the price tags. But this is a problem for the store, and the buyer should not suffer because of this. If the goods are nevertheless sold at an inflated price, then the seller faces punishment for deception - this is Art. 14.7 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation.

Product on the tape
Product on the tape

Product on the tape

Sometimes in supermarkets, where the goods are moving along the belt, it is possible that the same bottle may fall and break. In this case, the situation is also controversial. The buyer did not put the bottle down, but put it down. The cashier did not follow this and pressed the button on the tape. He had to make sure the bottle was lying and not standing. Usually in this case the buyer is asked to pay for the goods. But again, until he paid for it, the goods are the property of the store. You can try to prove your case, although, of course, the bottles should be put, not put.


If a situation arises, which was mentioned above, then you should not immediately enter into conflict with the store employees. The first step is to politely explain. None of the employees of the food establishment have the right to force you to pay. Only in court. As for the wrong prices, the photo you took can be an excellent proof of your innocence. In case of a conflict with a store, feel free to send it along with a complaint to Rospotrebnadzor, which will be obliged to check.


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